Teresa Bullock is at Misfitland Monkey Rescue.
December 5th · Moscow, OH ·
As I was digging #SpankMan's grave I got to thinking about what a #TrueFriend he really was.. No matter what mood I was in.. If I yelled when I shouldn't have, if my hair was everywhere and my breath stunk he truly loved me anyway.. HOW MANY FRIENDS CAN YOU SAY THAT ABOUT?? Heck I have "FRIENDS" that I have supported through some very difficult situations.. Some have had sicknesses and I helped raise funds for them.. Some have owned businesses and I supported them by spending at their location or maybe by buying a shirt/hat/whatever.. Some has needed home repairs that I been able to do for them and some have just needed to know I am thankful that they are alive.. I have poured my heart and soul into a LOT of things that I didn't have/need to but it was to help a "FRIEND" and to me that is most important.. The sad thing is about #HumanFriends is they are humans!! They are often just your friend when you are standing in front of them or DOING for them.. I have noticed that when my back is turned many are making fun of the business I have started because they don't understand the passion or love I have for it.. Humans want you to be like them.. To think what they think.. To do what they would do.. To make the same decision that they would make.. To agree with their actions and to be their cheerleader even if they are wrong.. As long as you think, talk, and respond in certain ways they will "LOVE" you but it's a VERY TEMPORARY LOVE because they love who they want you to be and as soon as they realize you're not you become the conversation piece at the table being laughed at and made fun of.. NOT WITH A PET!! My animals are the #BESTFRIENDS I have ever had!! Their LOVE is totally unconditional!! They would never talk behind my back and would be willing to protect me from anyone that would.. Unlike humans they LOVE from the heart!! The ONLY #TRUELOVE I have ever felt has came from a species other than my own.. Loyalty, trust, respect, and LOVE is a lesson we could all learn from the animals.. Mankind has become SO SELF CENTERED and judgemental they have forgotten HOW to honestly care for one another..
THANK YOU #SPANKY FOR BEING A GREAT #BFF.. I covered you in a TON of pillow cases because I know how much you like to be tucked in.. I have cried a lot today for you and can't seem to stop.. So Sorry you didn't get to sleep in your new bed.. I picked you out the best one I could find and was SO EXCITED to watch your little tail wagging as you buried yourself deep into it.. I had it all pictured in my head and I so regret I didn't just give it to you.. #ImSorry #IWillAlwaysLoveYou
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-06-2021
December 5th · Moscow, OH ·
As I was digging #SpankMan's grave I got to thinking about what a #TrueFriend he really was.. No matter what mood I was in.. If I yelled when I shouldn't have, if my hair was everywhere and my breath stunk he truly loved me anyway.. HOW MANY FRIENDS CAN YOU SAY THAT ABOUT?? Heck I have "FRIENDS" that I have supported through some very difficult situations.. Some have had sicknesses and I helped raise funds for them.. Some have owned businesses and I supported them by spending at their location or maybe by buying a shirt/hat/whatever.. Some has needed home repairs that I been able to do for them and some have just needed to know I am thankful that they are alive.. I have poured my heart and soul into a LOT of things that I didn't have/need to but it was to help a "FRIEND" and to me that is most important.. The sad thing is about #HumanFriends is they are humans!! They are often just your friend when you are standing in front of them or DOING for them.. I have noticed that when my back is turned many are making fun of the business I have started because they don't understand the passion or love I have for it.. Humans want you to be like them.. To think what they think.. To do what they would do.. To make the same decision that they would make.. To agree with their actions and to be their cheerleader even if they are wrong.. As long as you think, talk, and respond in certain ways they will "LOVE" you but it's a VERY TEMPORARY LOVE because they love who they want you to be and as soon as they realize you're not you become the conversation piece at the table being laughed at and made fun of.. NOT WITH A PET!! My animals are the #BESTFRIENDS I have ever had!! Their LOVE is totally unconditional!! They would never talk behind my back and would be willing to protect me from anyone that would.. Unlike humans they LOVE from the heart!! The ONLY #TRUELOVE I have ever felt has came from a species other than my own.. Loyalty, trust, respect, and LOVE is a lesson we could all learn from the animals.. Mankind has become SO SELF CENTERED and judgemental they have forgotten HOW to honestly care for one another..
THANK YOU #SPANKY FOR BEING A GREAT #BFF.. I covered you in a TON of pillow cases because I know how much you like to be tucked in.. I have cried a lot today for you and can't seem to stop.. So Sorry you didn't get to sleep in your new bed.. I picked you out the best one I could find and was SO EXCITED to watch your little tail wagging as you buried yourself deep into it.. I had it all pictured in my head and I so regret I didn't just give it to you.. #ImSorry #IWillAlwaysLoveYou
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-06-2021
Teresa Bullock
December 5th ·
OMGOSH I remember him sitting in #RonnieBullock's booster seat the second Ronald Bullock would get out for daycare.. I guess that should have told me how much he was going to enjoy a real car seat made for animals..
Teresa Bullock is at Misfitland Monkey Rescue.
March 31st 2015 · Moscow, OH ·
Spanky the work dog heading to work.. lol
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-06-2021
December 5th ·
OMGOSH I remember him sitting in #RonnieBullock's booster seat the second Ronald Bullock would get out for daycare.. I guess that should have told me how much he was going to enjoy a real car seat made for animals..
Teresa Bullock is at Misfitland Monkey Rescue.
March 31st 2015 · Moscow, OH ·
Spanky the work dog heading to work.. lol
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-06-2021
Teresa Bullock
December 5th ·
#Spanky and #Saydi hope they are resting peacefully on a heated cloud
Teresa Bullock
November 21st 2013 · Felicity, OH ·
Spanky and Saydi my work dogs working hard on their heated pet bed.... lol
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-06-2021
December 5th ·
#Spanky and #Saydi hope they are resting peacefully on a heated cloud
Teresa Bullock
November 21st 2013 · Felicity, OH ·
Spanky and Saydi my work dogs working hard on their heated pet bed.... lol
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-06-2021
Teresa Bullock
December 5th ·
#SpankMan sure did give me a RUSH at times
Teresa Bullock
September 5th 2019 ·
Pulled over on the side of the road with my heart racing!!! #Spanky got choked on his cheeseburger and started acting crazy!!! When I got all the way pulled over I was able to figure out he had bread stuck to the roof of his mouth going down the back of his throat now he is acting like nothing happened and I need nerve medication THANK GOD THATS OVER
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-06-2021
December 5th ·
#SpankMan sure did give me a RUSH at times
Teresa Bullock
September 5th 2019 ·
Pulled over on the side of the road with my heart racing!!! #Spanky got choked on his cheeseburger and started acting crazy!!! When I got all the way pulled over I was able to figure out he had bread stuck to the roof of his mouth going down the back of his throat now he is acting like nothing happened and I need nerve medication THANK GOD THATS OVER
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-06-2021
Teresa Bullock
December 5th ·
When #Spanky went from #RagsToRiches.. He was #LivingLarge
Misfitland Monkey Rescue
January 4th 2019 ·
When a #WishList changes your life
#Spanky absolutely LOVEZ his new bed
I had to make #Eli leave it alone because he was tryin to fit in it I did try to get a video of it but by the time I got it he was getting carried away and I had to make him stop!!! #SpankMan would be HEARTBROKEN if something happened to his SUPER DELUXE bed that he can't remember livin without if I loose him HERE is where I gotta remember to look first
How favorite spot USE to be under the sheet on the couch it was VERY annoyin to be honest done NO GOOD to tuck the sheet in at all because Spanky follows behind me untuckin it
#RagsToRiches he has gone #TheGoodStuff #Priceless
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-06-2021
December 5th ·
When #Spanky went from #RagsToRiches.. He was #LivingLarge
Misfitland Monkey Rescue
January 4th 2019 ·
When a #WishList changes your life
#Spanky absolutely LOVEZ his new bed
I had to make #Eli leave it alone because he was tryin to fit in it I did try to get a video of it but by the time I got it he was getting carried away and I had to make him stop!!! #SpankMan would be HEARTBROKEN if something happened to his SUPER DELUXE bed that he can't remember livin without if I loose him HERE is where I gotta remember to look first
How favorite spot USE to be under the sheet on the couch it was VERY annoyin to be honest done NO GOOD to tuck the sheet in at all because Spanky follows behind me untuckin it
#RagsToRiches he has gone #TheGoodStuff #Priceless
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-06-2021
Teresa Bullock
December 5th ·
#Spanky absolutely loved it when he got this bed!! I threw it out this Spring because it had been washed and washed and washed.. It was coming apart every where.. I promised him a new one and had it laying her BUT HE NEVER GOT TO SEE OR USE IT.. I just ordered it and it was going to be a Christmas present for him.. God I wish I would have opened it and let him have it..
Misfitland Monkey Rescue
December 29th 2018 ·
#Spanky the #SpankMan
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-06-2021
December 5th ·
#Spanky absolutely loved it when he got this bed!! I threw it out this Spring because it had been washed and washed and washed.. It was coming apart every where.. I promised him a new one and had it laying her BUT HE NEVER GOT TO SEE OR USE IT.. I just ordered it and it was going to be a Christmas present for him.. God I wish I would have opened it and let him have it..
Misfitland Monkey Rescue
December 29th 2018 ·
#Spanky the #SpankMan
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-06-2021
Teresa Bullock
December 5th ·
#RonnieBullock LOVED his #SpankMan.. They was good friends.. I think #Spanky enjoyed being Ronald Bullock #Pokemon and Spanks dearly LOVED being loved on by Claire Bullock ..
The kid is watchin to much TV
Mar 18, 2017
Teresa Bullock
49.3K subscribers
Ronnie Bullock Wilson age 7 all the sudden starts talkin to me about if Spanky aka The Spank Man was a Pokemon that he could be his trainer BECAUSE his new dog collar has spikes on it... YES HELLO uuummm did I miss something????? When did we the humans become NOT the trainer???? He cracks me up DELUXE.... Kids say the darndest things...
December 5th ·
#RonnieBullock LOVED his #SpankMan.. They was good friends.. I think #Spanky enjoyed being Ronald Bullock #Pokemon and Spanks dearly LOVED being loved on by Claire Bullock ..
The kid is watchin to much TV
Mar 18, 2017
Teresa Bullock
49.3K subscribers
Ronnie Bullock Wilson age 7 all the sudden starts talkin to me about if Spanky aka The Spank Man was a Pokemon that he could be his trainer BECAUSE his new dog collar has spikes on it... YES HELLO uuummm did I miss something????? When did we the humans become NOT the trainer???? He cracks me up DELUXE.... Kids say the darndest things...
Teresa Bullock
December 5th ·
I hope #AngelBullock and #LouieRay is giving you a good grooming #SpankMan.. So much of what LOVE and MATTERS to me has gone.. I know when I bring them home chances are I will have to let them go before I get to pass but it doesn't make it easier to accept when it happens.. You are a good boy #Spanky!! #ILoveYouVeryMuch I am proud to have been your Human
Angel Bullock is at SkyHigh Wellness Medical.
November 25th 2018 ·
Been lettin #LouieRay and the #SpankMan use MY carseat it's super deluxe and feels just like sittin on The Big Comfy Couch while ridin shotgun
The human bought #Louis his own 6 pack of ginger ale and gave him one before leavin the house it worked great he did not get sick the entire ride and he was gone a LONG time that's like a MIRACLE
He went with her over to her doctor's office then they went to the automotive store and the feed store he did good on my route I was proud of him FINALLY
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-06-2021
December 5th ·
I hope #AngelBullock and #LouieRay is giving you a good grooming #SpankMan.. So much of what LOVE and MATTERS to me has gone.. I know when I bring them home chances are I will have to let them go before I get to pass but it doesn't make it easier to accept when it happens.. You are a good boy #Spanky!! #ILoveYouVeryMuch I am proud to have been your Human
Angel Bullock is at SkyHigh Wellness Medical.
November 25th 2018 ·
Been lettin #LouieRay and the #SpankMan use MY carseat it's super deluxe and feels just like sittin on The Big Comfy Couch while ridin shotgun
The human bought #Louis his own 6 pack of ginger ale and gave him one before leavin the house it worked great he did not get sick the entire ride and he was gone a LONG time that's like a MIRACLE
He went with her over to her doctor's office then they went to the automotive store and the feed store he did good on my route I was proud of him FINALLY
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-06-2021
Teresa Bullock is feeling sad.
December 5th ·
I just found #Spanky passed away.. He is back to riding shotgun with #LouieRay .. He has been sad since Louie passed.. I didn't even realize he was sick.. He didn't even get to try out the new bed I got him for Christmas.. He was going to LOVE it.. It had a hood for him to burry himself into and everything.. I was so excited to see him use it.. Gosh I feel AWFUL.. #ILOVEYOU #SPANKMAN #RIPMyFriend
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-06-2021
December 5th ·
I just found #Spanky passed away.. He is back to riding shotgun with #LouieRay .. He has been sad since Louie passed.. I didn't even realize he was sick.. He didn't even get to try out the new bed I got him for Christmas.. He was going to LOVE it.. It had a hood for him to burry himself into and everything.. I was so excited to see him use it.. Gosh I feel AWFUL.. #ILOVEYOU #SPANKMAN #RIPMyFriend
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-06-2021