I COULD WATCH THESE CRAZY KIDZ ALL DAY!! Ronnie Bullock totally LOVEZ his job here at Misfitland Monkey Rescue.. Teaching these monkeys we rescue to be social is extremely important to their future health and quality of life in general.. One day it is my dream Ronnie will run Misfitland and be able to make sure the rescued monkeys that reside here are ALWAYS, as much as possible, be provided with the things in life that they were promised as a baby.. My dream is for EVERY ANIMAL RESCUED BY MISFITLAND BE FIXED AND UNABLE TO CREATE LIFE BEYOND THEIR OWN!! I also want to be a HONEST educational place for people to find the TRUTH about life with a captive born monkey in their home.. I want to show the broken furniture, the chew up EVERYTHING, the scares, vet bills, enclosures, etc along with the funny, silly, loving parts that people see short videos of on the internet.. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER I believe that.. Check out misfitland.org for more information.. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SHOP AMAZON-SMILE AND CHOOSE MISFITLAND TO HELP RESCUE MONKEYS.. THANK YOU!!!!! They own me.. Life is too short to fit in.. Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 06-17-2022
The Monkey Body Drop By Alice Rae 860 views May 23, 2022
PLEASE SHOP AMAZON SMILE AND CHOOSE MISFITLAND TO HELP RESCUE MONKEYS!! Alice Rae is a rescued black cap capuchin monkey.. She is 8 months old now and EXPLODING with energy!! She OFTEN gets in trouble by the other monkeys because she is SO FULL OF ENERGY and they just don't feel like trying to keep up with her.. That's when she has to find something else to do like body drop her little self right on top of her Ronnie Bullock.. He LOVEZ her beyond words and I believe she feels the same way.. They own me.. Life is too short to fit in!! Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 05-27-2022
May 20th · #OMGOSH SOMEONE LOVEZ THE #MONKKIDZ!! They got a couple misters to cool them off this summer!! HOW PERFECT!! In another box there was dog treats that to be honest the monkeys often sneak in to steal.. I guess anything is better than #MyCooking.. The HYSTERICAL part was they sent this totally righteous #SensorySwing that threw both #RonnieAndI for a MAJOR loop!! Looking at the photo on the box I THOUGHT you just hung the pod looking thing to a hook shove some blankets and toys in it and turn the monkeys loose to enjoy.. WRONG!!!! How many #Rednecks does it take to figure out a sensory swing??? More than 2 obviously!! Watch the full video here.. https://youtu.be/bkXTAHa6ggk .. #RonnieBullock was OVERLY JOYED about getting to open #MonkeyFanMail again.. It's been a LONG 5 years since he went to live with his mom and couldn't visit.. He has really Really REALLY REALLLLLLLY missed SOOOOOOOOO much about life with his #MonkeyTroop at #Misfitland!! We SERIOUSLY missed EVERYTHING about him too THANK YOU OUR SECRET SUPPORTER Your LOVE means SOOOOOOOOO MUCH TO US Shop our wish list here https://a.co/0UsLH6n or here https://www.walmart.com/.../68a1cb5c-3fd7-40c4-ab54... to help support the troop #ThankYou for choosing Misfitland when shopping Amazon Smile Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 05-23-2022
ASMR Monkey Grooming And Playing
821 views May 19, 2022
Teresa Bullock 51.9K subscribers EVER SEEN SUCH A PERFECT FACE AS THE LITTLE RALPHIE D?? OMGOSH he is SOOOOOOOOO STINKIN SPECIAL WORDS CAN'T DESCRIBE!! He is on top of the world since Ronnie Bullock moved back in!! They have bonded TIGHT!! Ronnie has also bonded TIGHT with Alice Rae.. You will notice Alice Rae and Ralphie D are struggling to get the attention of Ronnie by trying to force each other away.. NO WORRIES THOUGH!! Ronnie has plenty of LOVE for both of them and they will both get the attention they deserve in due time.. Ronnie will some day run Misfitland Monkey Rescue!! I can tell he is going to be INCREDIBLE at it!! Socializing monkeys can be extremely difficult!! The way the handler presents himself and reacts to the socialization has a WHOLE lot to do with how the interaction turns out!! Ronnie has the grace, patience, and attitude to be a wonderful trainer!! He is training right now even though he probably doesn't realize it.. THAT'S A TRUE GOD GIVEN TALENT THAT NOT EVERY ONE HAS!! Handling monkeys, or any animal, can be very intimidating!! As a handler you can never be intimidated!! WELLLLLLLL you can NEVER SHOW that you are being intimated or you will loose the animals respect!! Ronnie's reaction to Ralphie D and Alice Rae arguing over him was IDEAL!! He calmed them without showing any fear of them.. Because of his reaction they too relaxed and calmed down.. The main thing is to maintain no matter what we face in life.. I am so proud of my GRANDson and his ability to READ/LISTEN/INTERACT with these magnificent creatures that we devote our life to rescuing and providing a forever home too!! They own me!! Life is too short to fit in!! PLEASE SHOP AMAZON SMILE AND CHOOSE MISFITLAND TO HELP RESCUED MONKEYS!!! Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 05-20-2022
Misfitland Monkey Rescue April 22nd · #AliceRae the beautiful #IAm!! I thought about going blonde because I hear they have more fun.. NOT TRUE!! I wasn't blonde no time when the dozer got stuck AGAIN!! WHY CAN'T WE STAY OUT OF THE MUDD?? #TheHuman is always saying how we don't have enough time.. How we HAVE to get something done blah blah blah yet she WON'T stay out of the ditch!! WTH?? I don't want to be blonde if that's the kind of decisions I am going to make so I took my wig off and went back to my original black cap.. It matches my eyes better anyway.. I am getting bigger and bolder each day.. I have gotten to the point I will follow my big brother #GunnerBoeh outside to play on the porch.. We have big fun out there.. We get to run jump and play with the dogs and cats while out there.. #MyHuman came out screaming at #Gunner to stop throwing dog food at the dogs.. WTH??? We thought it was for them!! She doesn't like us to remove the dog food from the feeder for them.. Apparently they have to get their own out.. #WhoKnew?? #MyBrother grooms me a LOT!! I get into some of the silliest positions and just let him get to work.. It's the BESTEST feeling ever!! I can tell how much he LOVEZ me by the way he is always tending to me.. He has my back 100% and I have his as well.. Together we are unstoppable!! Our 2 brains can change the world or at least change #Misfitland.. #TheGoodStuff#LifeIsTooShortToFitIn Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 04-30-2022
Baby Capuchin In The House Just Monkeying Around 495 views Apr 13, 2022
PLEASE choose Misfitland when shopping Amazon Smile.. The background noise is nothing but the hyper active baby Capuchin monkey named Alice Rae doing her thing while Gunner Boeh acts cute.. I tell people ALLLLLLL the time YOU CAN'T BRING A MONKEY IN YOUR HOUSE AND EXPECT IT TO ACT LIKE A HUMAN!! If things get broken it's YOUR FAULT NOT THEIRS!! YOU brought a monkey in to a house and left things out that YOU shouldn't have!! They are monkeys!! They have NO dollar value.. It could cost $.10 cents or $10,000 grand they will tear it up just the same.. In the wild everything GOOD is inside something.. Nuts, bugs, seeds, snails etc is often a food source found INSIDE and must be busted open in order to retrieve the snack inside of.. This is a natural hunting thing that they will ALWAYS do no matter their age.. This means their main goal in life is BUST IT OPEN!! Inside a home that could mean the remote, your phone, photos in frames, boxes of important things and etc.. They aren't being bad when they do these things!! They are just being monkeys!! THEY HAVE THUMBS AND MASSIVE STRENGTH!! They own me.. Life is too short to fit in!! They own me.. Life is too short to fit in!! Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 04-14-2022
Ronnie Bullock The Monkey Whisper 304 views Apr 13, 2022
My GRANDson has always been a monkey whisper!! From the time he was a wee toddler he has had the gift.. He has a understanding of them and their personalities.. Watch him deal with Gunner Boeh and Alice Rae wanting his breakfast.. He has a gift that most children couldn't handle.. Monkeys can be tricky.. It takes a LOT of patience and understanding to deal with them and Ronnie knows and gives them both with nothing but his love making them LOVE him back.. PLEASE shop Amazon Smile and choose Misfitland to help support the monkeys!! They own me.. Life is too short to fit in!! Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 04-14-2022
Big Macaque Little Capuchin Who Wins 804 views Mar 26, 2022
Bugs Bullock and Abby Louise is very patient with little capuchin monkey sister Alice Rae.. Macaques and Capuchins aren't normally best of friends but that's not the case for this trio.. Bugs has adopted Alice as his own and demands nothing but respect for his little girl.. They own me.. Life is too short to fit in!! Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 03-27-2022
Primate Grooming Train ASMR for ME 1,929 views Mar 18, 2022
Some days I swear I am the LUCKIEST girl in the entire world!! I Thank God each and every day for the life he has blessed me with.. When I decided to dedicate the rest of my life to building a domesticated monkey rescue I knew it would not be a financially gaining business.. I knew choosing to dedicate my life to the monkeys that "NEED" my help vs selling cute newborn baby monkeys that everyone wants to buy it was going to make it a challenge figuring out a way to ongoing support them.. Every dollar I make goes directly in to tending to these monk kidz one way or the other and that's OKAY!! THIS YES THIS what your watching right here is PRICELESS and the BESTEST payment I have ever gotten in return for any of my efforts!! HOW did I get chosen to be the one who gets to rescue and socialize domesticated monkeys?? THANK YOU GOD!! If you shop Amazon Smile please choose Misfitland and help support the monkeys.. THANK YOU!! Check out Misfitland.org.. They own me!! Life is too short to fit in!! Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 03-23-2022