Teresa Bullock is at Misfitland Monkey Rescue.
May 27th · Moscow ·
#LouieRay and I made a couple new friends Lynne Kurkjian Seibert and Wanda Davis Holcomb .. They are photographers and when they came for a playdate they took AMAZING photos of Louie Ray!! Louie played ball with them and accidentally hit her right in the face with it.. I caught that hit with my camera.. She was okay and the fun continued after it happened.. Thank You for a wonderful afternoon Wanda and Lynne!! It was a LOT of fun and I absolutely LOVE the photos you took!!
Posted on Misfitland on 05-28-2021
May 27th · Moscow ·
#LouieRay and I made a couple new friends Lynne Kurkjian Seibert and Wanda Davis Holcomb .. They are photographers and when they came for a playdate they took AMAZING photos of Louie Ray!! Louie played ball with them and accidentally hit her right in the face with it.. I caught that hit with my camera.. She was okay and the fun continued after it happened.. Thank You for a wonderful afternoon Wanda and Lynne!! It was a LOT of fun and I absolutely LOVE the photos you took!!
Posted on Misfitland on 05-28-2021
Teresa Bullock is at Misfitland Monkey Rescue.May 28th · Moscow ·
Today this lady will be back to see #LouieRay..
When her son called to set up her second playdate he told me Louie Ray is ALLLLLLL she talks about.. Today her daughter who is bringing her called and she said Mom tells everyone she meets/sees about the monkey.. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES MY HEART!! I LOVE WHEN PEOPLE LOVE THEM LIKE I DO and the thought of making a dream come true for someone is the BESTEST feeling ever!! Thank You God for choosing me for this monkey gig!! It brings so much joy to my life.
Posted on Misfitland on 05-28-2021
81 Year Old Lady Has Dream Come True
•Apr 11, 2021
Teresa Bullock
45.9K subscribers
I give thankz EVERY day that I get to wake up to monkeys!! Today was a reminder why I should be so THANKFUL!! It took this lady 81 years to get to play with and actually touch a real monkey.. She spent her whole life wanting to but the opportunity was never available.. Only zoos to view them.. That is till her son found out about Misfitland Monkey Rescue.. He booked her a 1 hour playdate with Louie Ray for her 81st Birthday gift.. He knew it was a life long desire of hers to actually interact with a monkey and to be able to make it happen for her was priceless!! Louie Ray took to her instantly!! He enjoyed playing toss with her.. He let her comb him.. He even fixed her hair for her!! She will never be the same woman again because today a childhood dream became a reality.. Go to Misfitland.org for more details on how to schedule your own playdate with Louie Ray.. He owns me.. Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 04-14-2021
Today this lady will be back to see #LouieRay..
When her son called to set up her second playdate he told me Louie Ray is ALLLLLLL she talks about.. Today her daughter who is bringing her called and she said Mom tells everyone she meets/sees about the monkey.. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES MY HEART!! I LOVE WHEN PEOPLE LOVE THEM LIKE I DO and the thought of making a dream come true for someone is the BESTEST feeling ever!! Thank You God for choosing me for this monkey gig!! It brings so much joy to my life.
Posted on Misfitland on 05-28-2021
81 Year Old Lady Has Dream Come True
•Apr 11, 2021
Teresa Bullock
45.9K subscribers
I give thankz EVERY day that I get to wake up to monkeys!! Today was a reminder why I should be so THANKFUL!! It took this lady 81 years to get to play with and actually touch a real monkey.. She spent her whole life wanting to but the opportunity was never available.. Only zoos to view them.. That is till her son found out about Misfitland Monkey Rescue.. He booked her a 1 hour playdate with Louie Ray for her 81st Birthday gift.. He knew it was a life long desire of hers to actually interact with a monkey and to be able to make it happen for her was priceless!! Louie Ray took to her instantly!! He enjoyed playing toss with her.. He let her comb him.. He even fixed her hair for her!! She will never be the same woman again because today a childhood dream became a reality.. Go to Misfitland.org for more details on how to schedule your own playdate with Louie Ray.. He owns me.. Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 04-14-2021
Wanda Davis Holcomb
May 26th ·
For those asking how to schedule a play date: call 513-888-8777 and speak to Teresa Bullock
Posted on Misfitland on 05-28-2021
May 26th ·
For those asking how to schedule a play date: call 513-888-8777 and speak to Teresa Bullock
Posted on Misfitland on 05-28-2021
Teresa Bullock
May 24th ·
Posted on Misfitland on 05-26-2021
May 24th ·
Posted on Misfitland on 05-26-2021
Lynne Kurkjian Seibert added 10 new photos to the album: Louie the white faced capuchin — with Teresa Bullock.
May 23rd ·
Wanda Davis Holcomb and I went out to Misfitland Monkey Rescue to have a play-date with Louie the white faced Capuchin monkey. He is smart, funny, entertaining and loves his owner Teresa Bullock. She also takes care of other monkeys, dogs, cats, chickens and more. She would love to make this a self- sufficient animal sanctuary by holding fund raisers (like the play-date) so she doesn’t ever have to turn animals away- check out her website www.misfitland.org!!
Posted on Misfitland on 05-24-2021
May 23rd ·
Wanda Davis Holcomb and I went out to Misfitland Monkey Rescue to have a play-date with Louie the white faced Capuchin monkey. He is smart, funny, entertaining and loves his owner Teresa Bullock. She also takes care of other monkeys, dogs, cats, chickens and more. She would love to make this a self- sufficient animal sanctuary by holding fund raisers (like the play-date) so she doesn’t ever have to turn animals away- check out her website www.misfitland.org!!
Posted on Misfitland on 05-24-2021
He Takes From One To Give To Another
•May 22, 2021
Teresa Bullock
46.7K subscribers
Capuchin Monkey Louie Ray LOVEZ Money!! Lately when people go to pay me I allow Louie to collect the money.. It's his gig.. He takes it and rolls it and makes a nice little pile to hand me.. He is so smart and sharing.. He owns me. Life is too short to fit in..
Posted on Misfitland on 05-24-2021
•May 22, 2021
Teresa Bullock
46.7K subscribers
Capuchin Monkey Louie Ray LOVEZ Money!! Lately when people go to pay me I allow Louie to collect the money.. It's his gig.. He takes it and rolls it and makes a nice little pile to hand me.. He is so smart and sharing.. He owns me. Life is too short to fit in..
Posted on Misfitland on 05-24-2021
Misfitland Monkey Rescue
May 16th ·
Louie Ray the trainer
#LouieRay the HAPPY I am!! My friend Ericka brought me a SUPER cool ball with lights and fuzzy stuff!! It was much fun to toss and watch her fetch.. I am REALLY good at training people!! Watch Ericka retrieve the ball without command!! She is getting good!! I have been working on training her for a while now.. I am pretty proud of my protege.. She makes my work worth while
Posted on Misfitland on 05-18-2021
May 16th ·
Louie Ray the trainer
#LouieRay the HAPPY I am!! My friend Ericka brought me a SUPER cool ball with lights and fuzzy stuff!! It was much fun to toss and watch her fetch.. I am REALLY good at training people!! Watch Ericka retrieve the ball without command!! She is getting good!! I have been working on training her for a while now.. I am pretty proud of my protege.. She makes my work worth while
Posted on Misfitland on 05-18-2021
Mary L. Testerman-Burk
May 14th ·
These past 2 days have been the best ever. Misfitland is a wonderful place to learn about monkeys. Getting to touch and love on LouieRay was a dream come true.
Teresa Bullock you are the best.
Posted on Misfitland on 05-16-2021
May 14th ·
These past 2 days have been the best ever. Misfitland is a wonderful place to learn about monkeys. Getting to touch and love on LouieRay was a dream come true.
Teresa Bullock you are the best.
Posted on Misfitland on 05-16-2021
Misfitland Monkey Rescue
May 14th ·
GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT!! #MaryTestermanBurk came all the way from North Carolina just to see me!! She has been commenting saying she was coming for MONTHS now but finally showed up!! She had to arrange time off because she spent 2 days at the farm hanging with us!! We laughed and played!! She brought me a BUNCH of munchies and a zucchini that I just feel in love with!! I ate snap peas and slammed my zucchini for a long time!! I even hid my zucchini down Mary's shirt.. She was LOADS of fun letting me be my natural self even though I do play rough.. We wrestled, we played, we groomed, and we even kissed by the end if it.. I love her because I can tell she LOVEZ me!! She says she will be back to see me again!! I sure hope so.. She is really good at working a hair brush
Posted on Misfitland on 05-15-2021
May 14th ·
GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT!! #MaryTestermanBurk came all the way from North Carolina just to see me!! She has been commenting saying she was coming for MONTHS now but finally showed up!! She had to arrange time off because she spent 2 days at the farm hanging with us!! We laughed and played!! She brought me a BUNCH of munchies and a zucchini that I just feel in love with!! I ate snap peas and slammed my zucchini for a long time!! I even hid my zucchini down Mary's shirt.. She was LOADS of fun letting me be my natural self even though I do play rough.. We wrestled, we played, we groomed, and we even kissed by the end if it.. I love her because I can tell she LOVEZ me!! She says she will be back to see me again!! I sure hope so.. She is really good at working a hair brush
Posted on Misfitland on 05-15-2021
Mary L. Testerman-Burk
May 14th ·
Thank you Teresa Bullock for letting us visit Misfitland. Best day ever.
Posted on Misfitland on 05-15-2021
May 14th ·
Thank you Teresa Bullock for letting us visit Misfitland. Best day ever.
Posted on Misfitland on 05-15-2021
Casanova Monkey Interspecies Affair
•May 2, 2021
Teresa Bullock
46.2K subscribers
Louie Ray is laying on the charm!! This capuchin monkey KNOWS what moves to make and just when to make them.. Watch him kiss his girl Steph on the neck given her cold chills and possibly a hickey!! He don't stop there with his Casanova ways!! He hears he is turning her on and dives in for a big wet kiss right on the mouth with a big hug!! His moves aren't very graceful but they are effective!! He then moves off to the back of her neck and starts the hickey process again before taken a quick look down her shirt.. A short time later he grabs a quick feel.. Then they had a moment together kissing and hugging exactly what he had been working for.. He is a charmer full of slick/smooth/unique moves that no one can resist!! Life is too short to fit in!! He owns me..
Posted on Misfitland on 05-03-2021
•May 2, 2021
Teresa Bullock
46.2K subscribers
Louie Ray is laying on the charm!! This capuchin monkey KNOWS what moves to make and just when to make them.. Watch him kiss his girl Steph on the neck given her cold chills and possibly a hickey!! He don't stop there with his Casanova ways!! He hears he is turning her on and dives in for a big wet kiss right on the mouth with a big hug!! His moves aren't very graceful but they are effective!! He then moves off to the back of her neck and starts the hickey process again before taken a quick look down her shirt.. A short time later he grabs a quick feel.. Then they had a moment together kissing and hugging exactly what he had been working for.. He is a charmer full of slick/smooth/unique moves that no one can resist!! Life is too short to fit in!! He owns me..
Posted on Misfitland on 05-03-2021
Monkey Shoots For The Forehead
•Apr 23, 2021
Teresa Bullock
46K subscribers
Louie Ray had a special playdate today with 3 boys who thought his incredible aim with a ball was HYSTERICAL!! Listen to the laughs, giggles, and background commentary.. Louie gets more excited the more they get excited. They all had a absolute BLAST!! To schedule your playdate with Louie Ray go to misfitland.org He owns me.. Life is too short to fit in..
Posted on Misfitland on 04-25-2021
•Apr 23, 2021
Teresa Bullock
46K subscribers
Louie Ray had a special playdate today with 3 boys who thought his incredible aim with a ball was HYSTERICAL!! Listen to the laughs, giggles, and background commentary.. Louie gets more excited the more they get excited. They all had a absolute BLAST!! To schedule your playdate with Louie Ray go to misfitland.org He owns me.. Life is too short to fit in..
Posted on Misfitland on 04-25-2021
Misfitland Monkey Rescue
is at
Poochie's Place
April 22nd · Amelia ·
#LouieRay had a BLAST playing with his new friends who saw our add on the tables at #PoochiesPlace!! They said while eating there they spotted Louie's face and couldn't resist coming to see him in person!! Kari is the one who placed the add on the tables that will be there for 2 years!! What a brilliant move that was.. Louie LOVEZ having playdates!! He enjoys the interaction and actually pouts when people have to leave.. Listening to people laugh and giggle making a memory that will last forever is quite heartwarming for me as well.. Bein able to make a dream come true for others is the greatest job I have ever had.. I LOVE DOING THIS!! Schedule your playdate with Louie Ray today.. Call or text 513-888-8777
Posted on Misfitland on 04-22-2021
is at
Poochie's Place
April 22nd · Amelia ·
#LouieRay had a BLAST playing with his new friends who saw our add on the tables at #PoochiesPlace!! They said while eating there they spotted Louie's face and couldn't resist coming to see him in person!! Kari is the one who placed the add on the tables that will be there for 2 years!! What a brilliant move that was.. Louie LOVEZ having playdates!! He enjoys the interaction and actually pouts when people have to leave.. Listening to people laugh and giggle making a memory that will last forever is quite heartwarming for me as well.. Bein able to make a dream come true for others is the greatest job I have ever had.. I LOVE DOING THIS!! Schedule your playdate with Louie Ray today.. Call or text 513-888-8777
Posted on Misfitland on 04-22-2021
Girl Laughs So Hard When Grandma Gets Hit
•Apr 18, 2021
Teresa Bullock
46K subscribers
Playdates with Louie Ray are SO FUN!! This girl is 7 years old and having the time of her life laughing at 20 year old capuchin monkey Louie Ray!! Listen to her giggle as she throws ball with the pro throwing monkey.. They have a circle going.. She throws to Louie.. He throws at fun loving Grandma who throws it back to her.. The more she giggled the more Louie was encouraged to do it more.. The laugh of a child is SO PURE and makes you smile in your heart every time you hear it.. I pray this is one of those moments she will remember the rest of her life and smile EVERY time!! To schedule your playdate with Louie Ray visit misfitland.org He owns me.. Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 04-20-2021
•Apr 18, 2021
Teresa Bullock
46K subscribers
Playdates with Louie Ray are SO FUN!! This girl is 7 years old and having the time of her life laughing at 20 year old capuchin monkey Louie Ray!! Listen to her giggle as she throws ball with the pro throwing monkey.. They have a circle going.. She throws to Louie.. He throws at fun loving Grandma who throws it back to her.. The more she giggled the more Louie was encouraged to do it more.. The laugh of a child is SO PURE and makes you smile in your heart every time you hear it.. I pray this is one of those moments she will remember the rest of her life and smile EVERY time!! To schedule your playdate with Louie Ray visit misfitland.org He owns me.. Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 04-20-2021
Misfitland Monkey Rescue
April 5th ·
It's me #LouieRay the HARDEST workin monkey at #Misfitland!! While all the other monkey's are out playing I have to worry about lookin nice and even harder beIN nice when new friends show up to see and learn about ME!! It's a LOT of pressure!! I have been known to accidentally on purpose throw something that isn't a ball.. IT ONLY HAPPENS WHEN I AM OUT IF BALLS AND NO ONE IS RETRIEVING THEM LIKE THEY SHOULD!! So technically it isn't my fault!! I LOVE when new friends come over and often pout when they tell me they are gonna leave but never the less it's a LOT of work and can be very tiring!! Like today I was a surprise for a 17 year old girl from her dad!! I liked her dad and kept going to him to play with his shirt!! I like to look down a nice shirt and often hide my toys in there.. Usually I am pretty good about training people to let me do it but he kept backing up.. IT WAS ODD!! Anyway I played ball with him some.. He was pretty good at learning to get it and bring it back.. The daughter on the other hand was harder to train.. She did a little better about letting me put my things/hand down there but was reluctant the whole time.. So I threw my ball at her.. It bounced off her head and hit the floor.. #MyHuman was standing so she threw it back to me.. Then we threw a couple more times and the dad went and got it.. A few more times and they LET MY BALL JUST LAY THERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FLOOR!!! WHO DOES THAT??? OMG I started slamming my metal pen as hard as I could to the table.. It's all that was left to play with and I REALLY like the intimidating noise I make with it.. Next thing I know the girl is scared of me!! WTH?? So my human went and got my balls to play with so she wouldn't be scared.. HUMANS ARE EXHAUSTING!! They are on and off!! They fetch then they don't fetch!! They love you then hate you all in the same 5 minutes!! I NEED A NAP!! Put the DO NOT DISTURB sign on my door please
Schedule your playdate with Louie Ray 513-888-8777
Posted on Misfitland on 04-14-2021
April 5th ·
It's me #LouieRay the HARDEST workin monkey at #Misfitland!! While all the other monkey's are out playing I have to worry about lookin nice and even harder beIN nice when new friends show up to see and learn about ME!! It's a LOT of pressure!! I have been known to accidentally on purpose throw something that isn't a ball.. IT ONLY HAPPENS WHEN I AM OUT IF BALLS AND NO ONE IS RETRIEVING THEM LIKE THEY SHOULD!! So technically it isn't my fault!! I LOVE when new friends come over and often pout when they tell me they are gonna leave but never the less it's a LOT of work and can be very tiring!! Like today I was a surprise for a 17 year old girl from her dad!! I liked her dad and kept going to him to play with his shirt!! I like to look down a nice shirt and often hide my toys in there.. Usually I am pretty good about training people to let me do it but he kept backing up.. IT WAS ODD!! Anyway I played ball with him some.. He was pretty good at learning to get it and bring it back.. The daughter on the other hand was harder to train.. She did a little better about letting me put my things/hand down there but was reluctant the whole time.. So I threw my ball at her.. It bounced off her head and hit the floor.. #MyHuman was standing so she threw it back to me.. Then we threw a couple more times and the dad went and got it.. A few more times and they LET MY BALL JUST LAY THERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FLOOR!!! WHO DOES THAT??? OMG I started slamming my metal pen as hard as I could to the table.. It's all that was left to play with and I REALLY like the intimidating noise I make with it.. Next thing I know the girl is scared of me!! WTH?? So my human went and got my balls to play with so she wouldn't be scared.. HUMANS ARE EXHAUSTING!! They are on and off!! They fetch then they don't fetch!! They love you then hate you all in the same 5 minutes!! I NEED A NAP!! Put the DO NOT DISTURB sign on my door please
Schedule your playdate with Louie Ray 513-888-8777
Posted on Misfitland on 04-14-2021
81 Year Old Lady Has Dream Come True
•Apr 11, 2021
Teresa Bullock
45.9K subscribers
I give thankz EVERY day that I get to wake up to monkeys!! Today was a reminder why I should be so THANKFUL!! It took this lady 81 years to get to play with and actually touch a real monkey.. She spent her whole life wanting to but the opportunity was never available.. Only zoos to view them.. That is till her son found out about Misfitland Monkey Rescue.. He booked her a 1 hour playdate with Louie Ray for her 81st Birthday gift.. He knew it was a life long desire of hers to actually interact with a monkey and to be able to make it happen for her was priceless!! Louie Ray took to her instantly!! He enjoyed playing toss with her.. He let her comb him.. He even fixed her hair for her!! She will never be the same woman again because today a childhood dream became a reality.. Go to Misfitland.org for more details on how to schedule your own playdate with Louie Ray.. He owns me.. Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 04-14-2021
•Apr 11, 2021
Teresa Bullock
45.9K subscribers
I give thankz EVERY day that I get to wake up to monkeys!! Today was a reminder why I should be so THANKFUL!! It took this lady 81 years to get to play with and actually touch a real monkey.. She spent her whole life wanting to but the opportunity was never available.. Only zoos to view them.. That is till her son found out about Misfitland Monkey Rescue.. He booked her a 1 hour playdate with Louie Ray for her 81st Birthday gift.. He knew it was a life long desire of hers to actually interact with a monkey and to be able to make it happen for her was priceless!! Louie Ray took to her instantly!! He enjoyed playing toss with her.. He let her comb him.. He even fixed her hair for her!! She will never be the same woman again because today a childhood dream became a reality.. Go to Misfitland.org for more details on how to schedule your own playdate with Louie Ray.. He owns me.. Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 04-14-2021
Monkey Cleverly Hides His Toy
•Apr 11, 2021
Teresa Bullock
45.9K subscribers
Louie Ray is ALL boy and just can't keep his little hands from where they don't belong!! Watch him hide his toy then cleverly take it back.. He lovez this lady!! Such a NUT!! He owns me!! Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 04-14-2021
•Apr 11, 2021
Teresa Bullock
45.9K subscribers
Louie Ray is ALL boy and just can't keep his little hands from where they don't belong!! Watch him hide his toy then cleverly take it back.. He lovez this lady!! Such a NUT!! He owns me!! Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 04-14-2021
Louie Ray The Ball Tossing Monkey
•Apr 9, 2021
Teresa Bullock
45.9K subscribers
This capuchin monkey LOVEZ to throw ball!! He is extremely excited to have new friends that enjoy his same passion!! Watch them go!! This is what life should be about!! Doing what you LOVE and meeting new people you also love.. Schedule your playdate with Louie Ray today!! Visit Misfitland.org for more details.. He owns me.. Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 04-14-2021
•Apr 9, 2021
Teresa Bullock
45.9K subscribers
This capuchin monkey LOVEZ to throw ball!! He is extremely excited to have new friends that enjoy his same passion!! Watch them go!! This is what life should be about!! Doing what you LOVE and meeting new people you also love.. Schedule your playdate with Louie Ray today!! Visit Misfitland.org for more details.. He owns me.. Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 04-14-2021
Playdate With Louie Ray
•Apr 9, 2021
Teresa Bullock
45.9K subscribers
What's the BEST way to spend your birthday??? Given Louie Ray the total groom over sure has a way of making the day SPECIAL and something that you will always remember!! Brenda came over to celebrate her big day with her favorite little monk man for a special playdate and SPECIAL it was.. She got huggs and love along with a relaxing grooming!! The grooming wasn't for her but did relax her just the same.. Talk about time well spent!! This is one birthday that she will remember forever!! Louie made sure of that!! He owns me and he owns her too!! Life is too short to fit in!! To schedule your playdate with the AMAZING LOUIE RAY go to Misfitland.org for information..
Posted on Misfitland on 04-14-2021
•Apr 9, 2021
Teresa Bullock
45.9K subscribers
What's the BEST way to spend your birthday??? Given Louie Ray the total groom over sure has a way of making the day SPECIAL and something that you will always remember!! Brenda came over to celebrate her big day with her favorite little monk man for a special playdate and SPECIAL it was.. She got huggs and love along with a relaxing grooming!! The grooming wasn't for her but did relax her just the same.. Talk about time well spent!! This is one birthday that she will remember forever!! Louie made sure of that!! He owns me and he owns her too!! Life is too short to fit in!! To schedule your playdate with the AMAZING LOUIE RAY go to Misfitland.org for information..
Posted on Misfitland on 04-14-2021
Booger Picker Eater
•Apr 9, 2021
Teresa Bullock
45.9K subscribers
EWWWWWWWWWW LOUIE RAY GROSSED ME OUT DELUXE!! HE REACHED RIGHT UP HER NOSE THEN STUCK HIS FINGER IN HIS MOUTH!! WTH LOUIE RAY!!! Could have went the rest of my life without this happening!! He owns me!! Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 04-14-2021
•Apr 9, 2021
Teresa Bullock
45.9K subscribers
EWWWWWWWWWW LOUIE RAY GROSSED ME OUT DELUXE!! HE REACHED RIGHT UP HER NOSE THEN STUCK HIS FINGER IN HIS MOUTH!! WTH LOUIE RAY!!! Could have went the rest of my life without this happening!! He owns me!! Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 04-14-2021
Monkey Pickpockets Man At Playdate
•Mar 31, 2021
Teresa Bullock
45.7K subscribers
About 4:45 into this video Louie Ray snatches dudes wallet right outta his pants!! He is delighted with his score and plays with it for some time taken in every inch of it!! He really loved it's zippers and snaps.. He loved it SO much that his new friend Talley ordered him his very own!! It should be here in a couple days.. What's going on here?? It's a playdate with Louie Ray.. You can schedule your own playdate.. Go to Misfitland.org for more details.. He owns me.. Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 04-04-2021
•Mar 31, 2021
Teresa Bullock
45.7K subscribers
About 4:45 into this video Louie Ray snatches dudes wallet right outta his pants!! He is delighted with his score and plays with it for some time taken in every inch of it!! He really loved it's zippers and snaps.. He loved it SO much that his new friend Talley ordered him his very own!! It should be here in a couple days.. What's going on here?? It's a playdate with Louie Ray.. You can schedule your own playdate.. Go to Misfitland.org for more details.. He owns me.. Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 04-04-2021
Misfitland Monkey Rescue
is feeling excited.
March 18th ·
#LouieRay and I had a special visitor today.. Brett Milam a reporter from the Clermont Sun came to find out about Misfitland and what we were all about.. We told him a LOT let's see what he picks out of it to write about.. Louie had him distracted for a LOT of the time so no telling what part he found to be most interesting.. He laughed a LOT and said getting out and finding stories like this is the BEST part of his job.. I hope he remembers to ask readers to shop Amazon Smile to choose Misfitland and Kroger card members to choose #Misfitland under community rewards even if he forgets everything else.. Say a little prayer this will be a good thing for the #MonkKids and the incredible habitat we are about to build for them!!
Posted on Misfitland on 03-21-2021
is feeling excited.
March 18th ·
#LouieRay and I had a special visitor today.. Brett Milam a reporter from the Clermont Sun came to find out about Misfitland and what we were all about.. We told him a LOT let's see what he picks out of it to write about.. Louie had him distracted for a LOT of the time so no telling what part he found to be most interesting.. He laughed a LOT and said getting out and finding stories like this is the BEST part of his job.. I hope he remembers to ask readers to shop Amazon Smile to choose Misfitland and Kroger card members to choose #Misfitland under community rewards even if he forgets everything else.. Say a little prayer this will be a good thing for the #MonkKids and the incredible habitat we are about to build for them!!
Posted on Misfitland on 03-21-2021
Kelly Tucker Hall
is with
Teresa Bullock
4 others
March 14th ·
Our Girl Scouts had so much at our playdate with Louie the monkey. Louie lives at Misfitland Monkey Rescue. PM me for contact info if you'd like to go. All proceeds help
Teresa Bullock
care for her rescued animals. It's about an hour from here.
Posted on Misfitland on 03-16-2021
is with
Teresa Bullock
4 others
March 14th ·
Our Girl Scouts had so much at our playdate with Louie the monkey. Louie lives at Misfitland Monkey Rescue. PM me for contact info if you'd like to go. All proceeds help
Teresa Bullock
care for her rescued animals. It's about an hour from here.
Posted on Misfitland on 03-16-2021
Girl Scouts Visit Louie Ray
•Mar 14, 2021
Teresa Bullock
45.1K subscribers
Louie Ray had a special playdate today.. 4 Girl Scouts brought their troop leader over for a special hour of fun.. They giggled and laughed the whole time.. They took pictures and videos being very impressed with everything he done.. They talked and learned about Louie Ray and how he ended up being stronger than the woman who raised him and was abusing his strength against her forcing her to give him up.. I believe they enjoyed their time with him and learned a lot.. They all left with BIG smiles on their faces.. Made for a GREAT day!! Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 03-16-2021
•Mar 14, 2021
Teresa Bullock
45.1K subscribers
Louie Ray had a special playdate today.. 4 Girl Scouts brought their troop leader over for a special hour of fun.. They giggled and laughed the whole time.. They took pictures and videos being very impressed with everything he done.. They talked and learned about Louie Ray and how he ended up being stronger than the woman who raised him and was abusing his strength against her forcing her to give him up.. I believe they enjoyed their time with him and learned a lot.. They all left with BIG smiles on their faces.. Made for a GREAT day!! Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 03-16-2021
Cave Monk Pulls Hair and Hits In The Head
•Feb 27, 2021
Teresa Bullock
44.4K subscribers
Louie Ray aka Cave Monk is having a hair pulling head banging good time on his playdate.. His new friends Carlina and Kim drove 5 hours just to see him and his shenanigans.. After they both passed his inspection and meant all of his requirements he decided to play ball with them.. He was impressed with Kim's quickness and threw at/with her a LOT!! They played and laughed for hours doing all sorts of stuff!! He REALLY liked them and actually cried because they was leaving.. They promise they will be back to see him again.. I know Louie will be looking forward to that day!! Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 03-01-2021
•Feb 27, 2021
Teresa Bullock
44.4K subscribers
Louie Ray aka Cave Monk is having a hair pulling head banging good time on his playdate.. His new friends Carlina and Kim drove 5 hours just to see him and his shenanigans.. After they both passed his inspection and meant all of his requirements he decided to play ball with them.. He was impressed with Kim's quickness and threw at/with her a LOT!! They played and laughed for hours doing all sorts of stuff!! He REALLY liked them and actually cried because they was leaving.. They promise they will be back to see him again.. I know Louie will be looking forward to that day!! Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 03-01-2021
Carlena Millard McCullough
is with
Teresa Bullock
Kim Lyle
February 27th ·
My day
Posted on Misfitland on 02-28-2021
is with
Teresa Bullock
Kim Lyle
February 27th ·
My day
Posted on Misfitland on 02-28-2021
Cave Monk Pulls Hair and Hits In The Head
•Feb 27, 2021
Teresa Bullock
44.3K subscribers
Louie Ray aka Cave Monk is having a hair pulling head banging good time on his playdate.. His new friends Carlina and Kim drove 5 hours just to see him and his shenanigans.. After they both passed his inspection and meant all of his requirements he decided to play ball with them.. He was impressed with Kim's quickness and threw at/with her a LOT!! They played and laughed for hours doing all sorts of stuff!! He REALLY liked them and actually cried because they was leaving.. They promise they will be back to see him again.. I know Louie will be looking forward to that day!! Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 02-28-2021
•Feb 27, 2021
Teresa Bullock
44.3K subscribers
Louie Ray aka Cave Monk is having a hair pulling head banging good time on his playdate.. His new friends Carlina and Kim drove 5 hours just to see him and his shenanigans.. After they both passed his inspection and meant all of his requirements he decided to play ball with them.. He was impressed with Kim's quickness and threw at/with her a LOT!! They played and laughed for hours doing all sorts of stuff!! He REALLY liked them and actually cried because they was leaving.. They promise they will be back to see him again.. I know Louie will be looking forward to that day!! Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 02-28-2021
February 15th ·
Valentine's Day date for Louie Ray
What did your significant other get you for Valentine's Day?? Heather Stockman's man new just exactly what she likes and got her an entire afternoon of Love from her favorite other man!! As a secret he got with me and wanted to send her to play with #LouieRay for the day!! He knows how truly HAPPY Louie makes her and thought it would be a perfect gift!! I believe he was right!! They was all over each other for 4 hours!! They tickled and giggled, wrestled and played, hugged and kissed, ate and drank!! I am not sure who had the most fun Heather or Louie?? Truth is I too had a blast just watching them.. I hope your Valentine's day was as special and fun filled as theirs was!!
Posted on Misfitland on 02-16-2021
February 15th ·
Valentine's Day date for Louie Ray
What did your significant other get you for Valentine's Day?? Heather Stockman's man new just exactly what she likes and got her an entire afternoon of Love from her favorite other man!! As a secret he got with me and wanted to send her to play with #LouieRay for the day!! He knows how truly HAPPY Louie makes her and thought it would be a perfect gift!! I believe he was right!! They was all over each other for 4 hours!! They tickled and giggled, wrestled and played, hugged and kissed, ate and drank!! I am not sure who had the most fun Heather or Louie?? Truth is I too had a blast just watching them.. I hope your Valentine's day was as special and fun filled as theirs was!!
Posted on Misfitland on 02-16-2021
Heather Lee Stockman
is with
Teresa Bullock
February 15th ·
I had so much fun on my Valentine date with Louie yesterday!!! As you can see he was SUPER EXCITED to see me again! I think he missed me! We got to have snacks, wrestle, cuddle, AND he even insisted on going potty with me! I can now say I’ve peed with a monkey on my back!! Lmao!!! I mean not a lot of people can say that!! He also submitted to a mani, and pedi while I was there which was the most adorable thing EVER!!! I love you Louie Ray!!! Thank you honey
Tim Obermeyer
for making it happen! I love you more!
Click Here for Video-01! Click Here for Video-02!
Click Here for Vide-03! Click Here for Video-04!
Posted on Misfitland on 02-15-2021
is with
Teresa Bullock
February 15th ·
I had so much fun on my Valentine date with Louie yesterday!!! As you can see he was SUPER EXCITED to see me again! I think he missed me! We got to have snacks, wrestle, cuddle, AND he even insisted on going potty with me! I can now say I’ve peed with a monkey on my back!! Lmao!!! I mean not a lot of people can say that!! He also submitted to a mani, and pedi while I was there which was the most adorable thing EVER!!! I love you Louie Ray!!! Thank you honey
Tim Obermeyer
for making it happen! I love you more!
Click Here for Video-01! Click Here for Video-02!
Click Here for Vide-03! Click Here for Video-04!
Posted on Misfitland on 02-15-2021
Heather Lee Stockman
is with
Teresa Bullock
Tim Obermeyer
February 14th ·
When your Valentines gift from your boyfriend is a date with another man!!! Pretty sure this is a first!! Lol! I get to go see my Louie today!!! They both know exactly how to make my day!!!
Posted on Misfitland on 02-15-2021
is with
Teresa Bullock
Tim Obermeyer
February 14th ·
When your Valentines gift from your boyfriend is a date with another man!!! Pretty sure this is a first!! Lol! I get to go see my Louie today!!! They both know exactly how to make my day!!!
Posted on Misfitland on 02-15-2021
February 01 ·
Lovin the Louie Ray
#LouieRay sure LOVEZ his Sonya!! Wait till the very end when he starts hugging and kissing her.. He is the sweetest lil thing when he is in this type of mood.. I can sit and play with him like this for hours!! THIS is #TheGoodStuff in life!! Schedule your #PlayDate with Louie Ray today.. 513-888-8777
Posted on Misfitland on 02-01-2021
February 01 ·
Lovin the Louie Ray
#LouieRay sure LOVEZ his Sonya!! Wait till the very end when he starts hugging and kissing her.. He is the sweetest lil thing when he is in this type of mood.. I can sit and play with him like this for hours!! THIS is #TheGoodStuff in life!! Schedule your #PlayDate with Louie Ray today.. 513-888-8777
Posted on Misfitland on 02-01-2021
January 23rd ·
Play date Misfitland.org
#LouieRay had a fun #PlayDate with Beth and Mike Wagers.. They played hide the cell phone, throw the ball, give me 5, and take your hair down.. Mike and Beth was both impressed with Louie's strength and snap pea eating abilities.. They laughed and giggled the whole date leaving with the promise of coming back again.. HAVE YOU SCHEDULED YOUR PLAYDATE WITH LOUIE??? CALL OR TEXT TODAY 513-888-8777
Posted on Misfitland on 01-25-2021
January 23rd ·
Play date Misfitland.org
#LouieRay had a fun #PlayDate with Beth and Mike Wagers.. They played hide the cell phone, throw the ball, give me 5, and take your hair down.. Mike and Beth was both impressed with Louie's strength and snap pea eating abilities.. They laughed and giggled the whole date leaving with the promise of coming back again.. HAVE YOU SCHEDULED YOUR PLAYDATE WITH LOUIE??? CALL OR TEXT TODAY 513-888-8777
Posted on Misfitland on 01-25-2021
December 12th ·
When you LOVE someone
Each time someone visits #LouieRay he gets a little closer to them.. Heather Stockman has been here a few times to see him and has become one of Louie's favorite people.. He can't get enough of her!! When she walked through the door he screamed and threw himself backwards with his arms up from excitement!! He couldn't believe she was back!! He jumped in her arms then quickly hugged her head tight like he was holding on for dear life.. He was thrilled with the surprises she brought him and munched out on the snap peas.. He will look super cool and be super safe in his new life jacket BUT his overall his FAVORITE thing she brought was no doubt herself.. He LOVEZ her and enjoys every second he gets to spend with her.. She even brought me a pair of super cool socks for Christmas that has big foot on them.. I LOVE THEM!! She is a good hearted person!!
Hope your planning to visit Louie Ray at Misfitland in 2021.. He sure does enjoy company and so do I.. 513-888-8777
Posted on Misfitland on 12-23-2020
December 12th ·
When you LOVE someone
Each time someone visits #LouieRay he gets a little closer to them.. Heather Stockman has been here a few times to see him and has become one of Louie's favorite people.. He can't get enough of her!! When she walked through the door he screamed and threw himself backwards with his arms up from excitement!! He couldn't believe she was back!! He jumped in her arms then quickly hugged her head tight like he was holding on for dear life.. He was thrilled with the surprises she brought him and munched out on the snap peas.. He will look super cool and be super safe in his new life jacket BUT his overall his FAVORITE thing she brought was no doubt herself.. He LOVEZ her and enjoys every second he gets to spend with her.. She even brought me a pair of super cool socks for Christmas that has big foot on them.. I LOVE THEM!! She is a good hearted person!!
Hope your planning to visit Louie Ray at Misfitland in 2021.. He sure does enjoy company and so do I.. 513-888-8777
Posted on Misfitland on 12-23-2020
December 3rd ·
Friends for life
#LouieRay had a INCREDIBLE playdate with his friend Erica.. This is her second time coming to see him and OMG HE REMEMBERED HER DELUXE!! From the second she walked through the door he went NUTZ!!! He SCREAMED and then RAN to her climbing on to her head and hugging it TIGHT!! He couldn't get enough of her!! His excitement was overwhelming!! He has found a LIFE LONG FRIEND in Erica because I think this bond is gonna last forever
Posted on Misfitland on 12-22-2020
December 3rd ·
Friends for life
#LouieRay had a INCREDIBLE playdate with his friend Erica.. This is her second time coming to see him and OMG HE REMEMBERED HER DELUXE!! From the second she walked through the door he went NUTZ!!! He SCREAMED and then RAN to her climbing on to her head and hugging it TIGHT!! He couldn't get enough of her!! His excitement was overwhelming!! He has found a LIFE LONG FRIEND in Erica because I think this bond is gonna last forever
Posted on Misfitland on 12-22-2020
November 15th ·
Monkey plays volleyball
Watch #LouieRay entertain his new friends Erica and Sam.. They drove 8 hours to spend the day hanging out with him!! He was extremely happy with all the balls and other gifts they brought for him and the others.. They played for hours laughing and giggling non-stop.. They promised they would be back to see him again even if they have to fly.. We will be waiting for your arrival Sam and Erica!! We had a BLAST!!
Posted on Misfitland on 12-20-2020
November 15th ·
Monkey plays volleyball
Watch #LouieRay entertain his new friends Erica and Sam.. They drove 8 hours to spend the day hanging out with him!! He was extremely happy with all the balls and other gifts they brought for him and the others.. They played for hours laughing and giggling non-stop.. They promised they would be back to see him again even if they have to fly.. We will be waiting for your arrival Sam and Erica!! We had a BLAST!!
Posted on Misfitland on 12-20-2020
was live.
November 15th ·
LETS DRAW SOME NOVEMBER 2020 WINNERS!! #LouieRay is having a playdate with his new friends Lucy, Polly, and Brandon.. They are going to help us draw the names GOOD LUCK TO ALL AND THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR SUPPORTING THE MONK KIDS OF MISFITLAND
Posted on Misfitland on 12-20-2020
was live.
November 15th ·
LETS DRAW SOME NOVEMBER 2020 WINNERS!! #LouieRay is having a playdate with his new friends Lucy, Polly, and Brandon.. They are going to help us draw the names GOOD LUCK TO ALL AND THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR SUPPORTING THE MONK KIDS OF MISFITLAND
Posted on Misfitland on 12-20-2020
November 8th ·
Visit Louie Ray 513-888-8777
#LouieRay had a special time visiting with his new friend Michele Lyons!! Michele knew how to handle Louie Ray and done everything just right!! She herself had a monkey as a small child.. Her calm and patient ways paid off!! In no time Louie was her BFF!! He enjoyed playing on her phone, eating the snap peas she brought, and playing in her hair before he decided to give her a BIG HUGG and take his bottle from her.. This playdate was a gift to Michele from her daughter.. I hope she realizes what a great gift it was to not only her mother but to the monkeys she is helping to support given it to her.. Schedule Your Playdate Today.. 513-888-8777
Posted on Misfitland on 11-20-2020
November 8th ·
Visit Louie Ray 513-888-8777
#LouieRay had a special time visiting with his new friend Michele Lyons!! Michele knew how to handle Louie Ray and done everything just right!! She herself had a monkey as a small child.. Her calm and patient ways paid off!! In no time Louie was her BFF!! He enjoyed playing on her phone, eating the snap peas she brought, and playing in her hair before he decided to give her a BIG HUGG and take his bottle from her.. This playdate was a gift to Michele from her daughter.. I hope she realizes what a great gift it was to not only her mother but to the monkeys she is helping to support given it to her.. Schedule Your Playdate Today.. 513-888-8777
Posted on Misfitland on 11-20-2020
Teresa Bullock
October 29th ·
So THIS happened yesterday!! Annie, Josey, Benji,
stopped by.. #LouieRay was so happy to see them!! OMG Benji is the cutest little baby capuchin and only 8 weeks old.. Josey gave me BUNCHES of Huggs!! I LOVED them every one!! Annie!! Annie is a real hoot!! She LOVED fishing in the fish tank!! She had me cracking up!! I kept waiting for her to fall into the tank.. #PennyRose has half of the glass top laying in the bottom of the tank.. That's another story.. Annie never did go all the way in but she did get quite wet!! Her shenanigans went further than fishing!! She would go gather toys from the toy box and wash them in there.. Ralphies toy toothbrush is at the bottom of the tank waiting to be scooped out still She took the toys back out after washing them for the most part but did leave a stuffed mushroom floating on top and a couple other small things.. She had a BLAST!! So did we!! Watching her was great.. Tried to talk her Humom into getting her a tank of her own but she shook her head and said she would bring her here to hunt and play instead
Posted on Misfitland on 11-21-2020
October 29th ·
So THIS happened yesterday!! Annie, Josey, Benji,
stopped by.. #LouieRay was so happy to see them!! OMG Benji is the cutest little baby capuchin and only 8 weeks old.. Josey gave me BUNCHES of Huggs!! I LOVED them every one!! Annie!! Annie is a real hoot!! She LOVED fishing in the fish tank!! She had me cracking up!! I kept waiting for her to fall into the tank.. #PennyRose has half of the glass top laying in the bottom of the tank.. That's another story.. Annie never did go all the way in but she did get quite wet!! Her shenanigans went further than fishing!! She would go gather toys from the toy box and wash them in there.. Ralphies toy toothbrush is at the bottom of the tank waiting to be scooped out still She took the toys back out after washing them for the most part but did leave a stuffed mushroom floating on top and a couple other small things.. She had a BLAST!! So did we!! Watching her was great.. Tried to talk her Humom into getting her a tank of her own but she shook her head and said she would bring her here to hunt and play instead
Posted on Misfitland on 11-21-2020
October 29th ·
Had a few visitors yesterday!! Annie, Josey, and Benji brought their Humoms Nancy and Angela over to see #LouieRay and I.. Louie Ray was SO EXCITED to see Nancy he wouldn't get off her lap!! he has known her since he was a wee little monk..Listen to him tell her how much he missed her.. Benji is only 8 weeks old.. He is adorable but not real active yet.. Josie was hysterical playing with the walkie talkie.. She even cleaned it with the toy toothbrush she found..Annie stole the show!! Annie discovered she could fish for guppies from the fish tank!! She felt like she hit the jackpot with this discovery!! She enjoyed fishing as much as she enjoyed eating!! #AngelBullock used to fish from there.. It's great enrichment as well as great protein.. We had a great time and hope to do it again SOON
Posted on Misfitland on 11-20-2020
October 29th ·
Had a few visitors yesterday!! Annie, Josey, and Benji brought their Humoms Nancy and Angela over to see #LouieRay and I.. Louie Ray was SO EXCITED to see Nancy he wouldn't get off her lap!! he has known her since he was a wee little monk..Listen to him tell her how much he missed her.. Benji is only 8 weeks old.. He is adorable but not real active yet.. Josie was hysterical playing with the walkie talkie.. She even cleaned it with the toy toothbrush she found..Annie stole the show!! Annie discovered she could fish for guppies from the fish tank!! She felt like she hit the jackpot with this discovery!! She enjoyed fishing as much as she enjoyed eating!! #AngelBullock used to fish from there.. It's great enrichment as well as great protein.. We had a great time and hope to do it again SOON
Posted on Misfitland on 11-20-2020
October 18th ·
Bold Monkey
#PrinceCharming aka #LouieRay doing his best to unsnap Andrea's girl's there is NO DOUBT he is ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL BOY!! I tell ya if he was a human he would have to register in every county he went through!! He clearly remembered her and was very happy to see her!! They had a good ol time tickling and wrestling with each other.. Next visit hopefully Louie and I will be driving to see her and Chuck and their beach getaway!! Louie and I LOVE a good #RoadTrip
Posted on Misfitland on 11-15-2020
October 18th ·
Bold Monkey
#PrinceCharming aka #LouieRay doing his best to unsnap Andrea's girl's there is NO DOUBT he is ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL BOY!! I tell ya if he was a human he would have to register in every county he went through!! He clearly remembered her and was very happy to see her!! They had a good ol time tickling and wrestling with each other.. Next visit hopefully Louie and I will be driving to see her and Chuck and their beach getaway!! Louie and I LOVE a good #RoadTrip
Posted on Misfitland on 11-15-2020
October 13th ·
Monkey sponge bath
#LouieRay was so EXCITED that Barbara Fenwick was here that he gave her a sponge bath and even let her hold his cow after smacking her in the head with it!! Sorry Barb he is a rough one.. We had a LOT of fun and even got a little work done.. What an AMAZING #Playdate it was!! THANKZ AGAIN BARBARA
Posted on Misfitland on 11-14-2020
October 13th ·
Monkey sponge bath
#LouieRay was so EXCITED that Barbara Fenwick was here that he gave her a sponge bath and even let her hold his cow after smacking her in the head with it!! Sorry Barb he is a rough one.. We had a LOT of fun and even got a little work done.. What an AMAZING #Playdate it was!! THANKZ AGAIN BARBARA
Posted on Misfitland on 11-14-2020
October 9th ·
Schedule Your Playdate With Louie Ray Today
#LouieRay had an unexpected #PlayDate with Pam McCall and her husband Larry.. Pam is a long time follower/supporter of Misfitland and I was so excited to finally meet her.. She was carrying a purse she had won from a raffle.. We had a great visit. Schedule your play date with Louie Ray today 513-888-8777
Posted on Misfitland on 11-14-2020
October 9th ·
Schedule Your Playdate With Louie Ray Today
#LouieRay had an unexpected #PlayDate with Pam McCall and her husband Larry.. Pam is a long time follower/supporter of Misfitland and I was so excited to finally meet her.. She was carrying a purse she had won from a raffle.. We had a great visit. Schedule your play date with Louie Ray today 513-888-8777
Posted on Misfitland on 11-14-2020
October 2nd at 251 PM ·
I am #LouieRay the pick pocketer!! Had me a #Playdate with a couple fellas today that thought I was pretty special!! We played ball and ate snap peas before they said they had to go.. When they said they was leaving I started being cute and playing with them begging them not to leave.. #TheHuman thinks this might be the time I got the new Olive Garden card that I now have.. They gave it to me is my story and I am sticking to it!! I like it!! Feels like I have my own credit card now!! Wonder if I can order crickets with it
Posted on Misfitland on 10-22-2020
October 2nd at 251 PM ·
I am #LouieRay the pick pocketer!! Had me a #Playdate with a couple fellas today that thought I was pretty special!! We played ball and ate snap peas before they said they had to go.. When they said they was leaving I started being cute and playing with them begging them not to leave.. #TheHuman thinks this might be the time I got the new Olive Garden card that I now have.. They gave it to me is my story and I am sticking to it!! I like it!! Feels like I have my own credit card now!! Wonder if I can order crickets with it
Posted on Misfitland on 10-22-2020
October 1st at 428 PM ·
He's HAPPY she's back
#LouieRay was so excited that Heather returned to see him that she got some special affection!! Watch him hugg and kiss on her before moving down her leg for a giggle from a tickle.. Heather says Louie is her new therapy in life.. I think he is enjoying his new job
Posted on Misfitland on 10-22-2020
October 1st at 428 PM ·
He's HAPPY she's back
#LouieRay was so excited that Heather returned to see him that she got some special affection!! Watch him hugg and kiss on her before moving down her leg for a giggle from a tickle.. Heather says Louie is her new therapy in life.. I think he is enjoying his new job
Posted on Misfitland on 10-22-2020
Heather Lee Stockman
September 30th at 433 PM ·
Lots of love!!! ❤️❤️
My visit with #LouieRay today! He remembered me this time, and was excited to see, and love on me! It melted my heart! I just LOVE him!!!
Posted on Misfitland on 10-22-2020
September 30th at 433 PM ·
Lots of love!!! ❤️❤️
My visit with #LouieRay today! He remembered me this time, and was excited to see, and love on me! It melted my heart! I just LOVE him!!!
Posted on Misfitland on 10-22-2020
September 27 at 12:51 PM ·
Playdate with Louie Ray
Everyone gets a different #playdate with #LouieRay.. Each date depends on his mood, his attraction to you, and the vibe you give off to him.. On this playdate Randa Fair, Jaimie Hidey, and Vincent Fields came to see him.. Louie Ray seemed to relate to the GUY THING!! He took up with Vincent and spent a lot of time playing with him.. He enjoyed his time with everyone and even allowed them to all touch and groom him by the end of their 2 hour visit.. I think they enjoyed themselves and I know Louie Ray enjoyed himself!! Schedule your visit today.. 513-888-8777
Posted on Misfitland on 10-06-2020
September 27 at 12:51 PM ·
Playdate with Louie Ray
Everyone gets a different #playdate with #LouieRay.. Each date depends on his mood, his attraction to you, and the vibe you give off to him.. On this playdate Randa Fair, Jaimie Hidey, and Vincent Fields came to see him.. Louie Ray seemed to relate to the GUY THING!! He took up with Vincent and spent a lot of time playing with him.. He enjoyed his time with everyone and even allowed them to all touch and groom him by the end of their 2 hour visit.. I think they enjoyed themselves and I know Louie Ray enjoyed himself!! Schedule your visit today.. 513-888-8777
Posted on Misfitland on 10-06-2020
September 25 at 5:09 PM ·
An exceptional #MonkeyPlaydate
#LouieRay had a special #PlayDate usually educational visits are for ages 12 and over but in this case an exception was made.. This lil girl was calm and mellow enough that I agreed to let her try to interact with him.. It turned out to be a good call.. Louie fell in LOVE with her!! He played got your hair, peek down your shirt and I got your eye lash with her.. They had MUCH fun and I was very proud of how tough and rugged she turned out to be.. Not just any child can handle time with an adult monkey.. They grab hard and move fast.. It can be quite intimidating for young child and if a monkey thinks it's intimidating you it often becomes a bully.. Nobody likes a #MonkeyBully!!
Louie sure LOVEZ this new PLAYDATE gig he's got going on.. Entertaining people seems to be his strong point Call for your Louie Ray appointment.. Find out about him and how he came to live here!! Important information for anyone who wants to own a monkey!! 513-888-8777 visit misfitland.org
Posted on Misfitland on 09-28-2020
September 25 at 5:09 PM ·
An exceptional #MonkeyPlaydate
#LouieRay had a special #PlayDate usually educational visits are for ages 12 and over but in this case an exception was made.. This lil girl was calm and mellow enough that I agreed to let her try to interact with him.. It turned out to be a good call.. Louie fell in LOVE with her!! He played got your hair, peek down your shirt and I got your eye lash with her.. They had MUCH fun and I was very proud of how tough and rugged she turned out to be.. Not just any child can handle time with an adult monkey.. They grab hard and move fast.. It can be quite intimidating for young child and if a monkey thinks it's intimidating you it often becomes a bully.. Nobody likes a #MonkeyBully!!
Louie sure LOVEZ this new PLAYDATE gig he's got going on.. Entertaining people seems to be his strong point Call for your Louie Ray appointment.. Find out about him and how he came to live here!! Important information for anyone who wants to own a monkey!! 513-888-8777 visit misfitland.org
Posted on Misfitland on 09-28-2020
September 23 at 10:21 AM ·
She's his person
Huggable Loveable #LouieRay with his Sonya.. He LOVEZ her so much!! Watch him throw himself back into her arms.. She's his kinda people!! He has total trust in her.. COME VISIT LOUIE appointments available 513-888-8777
Posted on Misfitland on 09-28-2020
September 23 at 10:21 AM ·
She's his person
Huggable Loveable #LouieRay with his Sonya.. He LOVEZ her so much!! Watch him throw himself back into her arms.. She's his kinda people!! He has total trust in her.. COME VISIT LOUIE appointments available 513-888-8777
Posted on Misfitland on 09-28-2020
He makes her chest glow
•Sep 20, 2020
Teresa Bullock
38K subscribers
To book YOUR one on one time with Louie Ray visit Misfitland.org Lisa has always loved monkeys and been a long time follower of Misfitland.. As soon as she heard they are now doing personal educational visits with Louie Ray she knew exactly what she wanted for her birthday!! She drove for hours and made her dream came true!! She got to touch, play, interact, and learn about the internationally known capuchin monkey and how he ended up at Misfitland.. He joyfully makes her chest glow in a couple different ways. She says she will be back again to visit one day.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LISA!! THANKZ FOR SPENDING IT WITH US!! To book YOUR one on one time with Louie Ray visit Misfitland.org He owns me.. Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 09-21-2020
•Sep 20, 2020
Teresa Bullock
38K subscribers
To book YOUR one on one time with Louie Ray visit Misfitland.org Lisa has always loved monkeys and been a long time follower of Misfitland.. As soon as she heard they are now doing personal educational visits with Louie Ray she knew exactly what she wanted for her birthday!! She drove for hours and made her dream came true!! She got to touch, play, interact, and learn about the internationally known capuchin monkey and how he ended up at Misfitland.. He joyfully makes her chest glow in a couple different ways. She says she will be back again to visit one day.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LISA!! THANKZ FOR SPENDING IT WITH US!! To book YOUR one on one time with Louie Ray visit Misfitland.org He owns me.. Life is too short to fit in!!
Posted on Misfitland on 09-21-2020