Teresa Bullock January 25th 2024 Shani HimayaMind Blowing Pictures January 18th 2024 To everyone complaining about Texas Roadhouse allowing that dog who was deployed twice, to eat a steak in the restaurant on Veterans Day, I'd rather sit next to him than rowdy, bratty kids all day long. I can assure you that the dog is tidier and less noisy. He isn’t up to being allowed to run around like he (and his parents) were raised in a barn! Petmatchmaker Rescue South supports Texas Roadhouse, Veterans, and all Military Working Dogs. Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 01-31-2024
Misfitland Monkey Rescue is feeling hopeful. July 1st · Get a dog they say!! It’ll be FUN they say!!! We named her #BitsyDog but it should have been #Houdini!!! #ThisGirl is #OffTheHook!! I keep telling myself that she has spent her entire life in a very small cage and don’t know how to use her nose to get around like most do.. First she disappeared over to my parents house.. Not a big deal because all the dogs run back and forth to there.. We are on the same property BUT I DIDNT KNOW WHERE SHE WAS MAKING IT A BIG DEAL!! Then a few days later WHILE Ronald Bullock and I was outside working WITH HER THERE we turned around and she was GONE!!! Not joking!! We was WITH HER and she disappeared!!! Unfortunately she didn’t go to my parents again.. Apparently she made it all the way to the actual road and was picked up by a lady and taken away from our location.. We didn’t find that out until 3 days of searching the area for her.. So a massive search was started excluding many lost and found pages, dog pounds, and outside the loop… It took 3 more days but she was finally located PRAISE GOD!!! SOOOOOO I ordered her one of the #AirTags that I found out about during the heartbreaking search for her that had me a WRECK thinking this time she isn’t coming back.. I bought her the waterproof case that would attach to her color and felt much more secure knowing that she could be detected as long as she was in an area of a iPhone.. While the gate is open for the cows I asked #RonnieBullock to make sure she is put on a lead when left out for any reason.. HOWEVER when Ronnie went out to get the little #JuvenileDelinquent because it was beginning to rain all he found was a broken color on the end of the chain and of course the AirTag was still attached to it… I said but is she still in the fence??? He said no she must’ve ran out already!! I said WHAT??? I just took a couple treats and food out to here when I got home!! She can’t be to far and we took off looking for her… Turns out she IS starting to get it because she had gotten loose BUT WAS UNDER RONNIES BEDROOM WINDOW WANTING IN!!! #Winning!!!!! I am SO PROUD OF HER for this what should be simple move but has been difficult for her to get… She LOVEZ to run and I LOVE to watch her run knowing that she hasn’t ever gotten to experience that type of #FREEDOM but she HAS to learn how to get BACK to where she started from dang it!! She now has a new color and her AirTag is on it so I pray this is the end of the WHERES BITSY DRAMA!! My heart just can’t take all this crap!! Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 07-06-2023
Teresa Bullock is feeling grateful. June 6th · I picked #RonnieBullock up from his field trip to Camp Joy yesterday.. First I told him how much his #BittyDog missed him and looked for him before saying to him YOU ARE TOTALLY NOT GOING TO BELIEVE WHAT TODD AND Jodi Thannum WENT AND DONE FOR FOR US NOW!!!!! He looked right at me EXCITED and asked what??? I said remember when I told you that they was getting new furniture and we get the old?? He says yeah.. I said remember how excited I was about that refrigerator?? He says yeah, the entire time he has a cheeky grin.. I said WELLLLL it turns out they decided to wait a couple more months on the appliances and I was FINE with that but Jodi being JODI went and ordered a BRAND NEW REFRIGERATOR FOR US!!!! It will be here Thursday!!! HE SAID YESSS!!!! THATS BECAUSE I AM THEIR FAVORITE KID!!! before QUICKLY changing his word to TEEN!! I MEAN I AM THEIR FAVORITE TEEN he said…. I cracked up!! I said OH so you think that’s it huh???? You don’t think it would have anything to do with the animals or anything???? He said NOPE THEY LOVE ME He is so excited about spending #ManTime with Todd next month he just can’t stand himself!!! THANK YOU JODI AND TODD!!! You have NO CLUE how excited I am Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 06-18-2023
Misfitland Monkey Rescue is feeling crappy. May 26th · DO YOU SEE THIS FREAKING DOG???? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS ON HER???? IF ONLY YOU COULD SMELL HER I BET YOU WOULD HAVE NOOOOO PROBLEM FIGURING IT OUT!!! OMGOSH THIS VIDEO IS A MUST WATCH OMGOSH She Is COVERED In Cow Sh** https://youtu.be/9A9RUb1rS40Webmaster's Note: This link is the 2nd post down. I have no clue how the video suddenly turns into slow motion mode but it almost makes it funnier!! Sara was like OH HELL NO!!! I just had a bath!! GET BACK #BitsyDog!! NEVER A DULL MOMENT AT THIS PLACE!! I mean NEVERRRRR!!! Gosh do I need a dull moment Looking for GOOD shampoo to remove green poop and the smell of green poop!! Any ideas??? Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 05-28-2023
See video here Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 05-28-2023
Teresa Bullock 60.3K subscribers 226 views May 26, 2023 MISFITLAND MONKEY RESCUE Get a dog they say!! IT’LL BE FUN THEY SAY!!! Where the hell are THEY when THESE days roll around???? Ronnie Bullock is the super PROUD new Human to the usually adorable little Bitsy Dog.. Bitsy dog was a breeding dog from a puppy mill that fits in perfectly well here at Misfitland Monkey Rescue with all us other MISFITZ.. She has just started to get out of her insecure shell of being locked in a small cage for all them years.. She has free access to the outside grass that she had never before gotten to feel and today I even had the gate open to the pasture area for her extra running pleasure.. I am working on a area to set up the hot tub not paying attention to the Bitsy Dog and her previous shenanigans UNTIL I LOOKED DOWN AND SAW THIS!! YEP THAT IS PURE GREEN GRASS FED COW SH** FROM THE TOP OF HER NECK TO THE BOTTOM OF HER LITTLE BUTTOCKS!!! OMGOSH is there are wonder if never get to complete a project??? She owns me!! Life is too short to fit in!! Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 05-28-2023
Just a boy and his dog Ronald Bullock is TOTALLY in LOVE with the #BitsyDog she WAS totally in LOVE with him too not sure how she will feel about him by the time they return from her first bike ride did you see how many blankets he has in there for her??? I sure don’t get that kind of #SpecialTreatment I bought this cart YEARS ago on a clearance deal thinking about riding my Angel Bullock in it but of course that never got to happen.. Glad to finally be able to put it together!! Now I see WHY it was SO DISCOUNTED!! There is holes in the screens on both the front and back but #WTH we live with monkeys!!! Wasn’t gonna stay new for long!!! #LMAO #HeLovesHer #SheLovesHim #TogetherForever #BFFS Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 05-21-2023
ASMR Rain With A Running Creek 286 views Streamed live on May 27, 2022
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND SHOP AMAZON SMILE AND CHOOSE MISFITLAND TO HELP RESCUE MONKEYS!! Nothing sounds better than God given nature itself!! I get lost in these woods and creeks sometimes!! Not physically lost but mentally lost!! It takes me to a place my heart and head needs to be more often!! Hope it takes you for a Paradise like mine!! Follow Teresa Bullock on Facebook. and help me with the personal mission I am on ❤️♥️❤️♥️ Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 05-31-2022
Teresa Bullock May 14th 2010 · Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 05-16-2022
Teresa Bullock February 26th · Overly excited about the game Susan Jones March 31st 2021 · I can't stop watching this! it's Hysterically funny! Turn on your sound! Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 02-27-2022
Teresa Bullock added 13 new photos to the album: Random stuff 2. November 8th · Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 11-13-2021
Teresa Bullock added 16 new photos to the album: Random stuff 2. October 31st · Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 11-07-2021
Teresa Bullock updated her cover photo. October 29th · Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 10-31-2021
Teresa Bullock is at Misfitland Monkey Rescue. September 16th · Moscow · Thankful for the prayers for #Eli!!! He is doing a LOT better today.. He made it outside and even got in his pool to lay for a bit.. He had me scared yesterday.. He lost control of both poop and pee WHICH REALLY SCARED ME!! I have grown up on a farm surrounded by MANY animals!! While it has been a true blessing it has also been a LOT of heartache.. Animals just do live as long as we do.. It's sad but true.. I know a BAD SIGN when I see it but I thank God that today isn't the day.. #ILoveYou#MyEli Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 09-20-2021
Teresa Bullock is at Misfitland Monkey Rescue. September 15th · Moscow · My #Eli is having a BAD day!! Please pray for him.. He is 16 years old and has serious problems with seizures.. He doesn't seem to be in any pain but I can't get him to want to stand up.. He seems EXCEPTIONALLY tired .. I pray that's all it is..
Teresa Bullock August 5th · When #Appalachian goes to sleep he REALLY goes to sleep #GoofyDog Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 08-09-2021
Misfitland Monkey Rescue July 27th · Misfitland Pups Got Mail The dog's got mail!! It comes each month from the amazing Ava and Lisa Newby labeled Misfitland Pups.. Watch them MUCH OUT on the delicious tasting treats!! Poor Spanky has such a old small bite he has trouble eating them but that doesn't stop him from working hard and doing it!! Eli and Appalachian are in absolute HEAVEN!! Watch them MUNCH!! This is their FAVORITE time of month!! Ignore Sara and her picky ways!! It just leaves more for the rest.. Whitey wasn't in here but I took her some out.. She too was munching out!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU AVA AND LISA!! YOU MADE THEIR DAY!!! Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 08-04-2021
Misfitland Monkey Rescue June 26th · Look at his tail 😂🤣 OMG #SPANKY GOT MAIL AND HE COULDN'T BE MORE THANKFUL TO WHOEVER WAS KIND ENOUGH TO THINK OF HIM!!! OMG watch his tail!! That's a sign of #HAPPYDELUXE!! Watch him gobble down the tasty snacks that is for him and him alone!!! I will have to hide the chicken bits from #GunnerBoeh.. They are his FAVORITE.. #SPANKMAN AND I CAN'T SAY THANK YOU LOUD ENOUGH!!! There was no note in the box but I want you to know this meant SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! VERY THOUGHTFUL!! He is SOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!! Love seeing him like this.. He was a very abused dog before coming here.. He deserves to live like a King now.. THANKZ AGAIN Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 06-28-2021
Remember the excitement you use to feel when you was young and your mom filled up the swimming pool?? You just couldn't wait to get in and try it out even though you knew the water was gonna be cold.. This 16 year old rescued dog named Eli Bullock feels the same way!! Watch him sit down on the running hose.. I knew when I seen him walking this way he would have to try out the pool I was filling!! Eli is a water dog!! Always has been!! He has trouble getting around anymore due to arthritis.. He takes a lot of meds each day including one for his bad seizures but is still young at heart and has the mindset of a puppy.. His old body just won't keep up with that young heart.. That don't stop him from enjoying things like this small pool vs the big pond he use to play in.. He is just thankful to have a place to cool off that he can get in and out of.. I am just thankful to see him still wanting to do his favorite activity even if it is laying vs swimming.. He owns me.. Life is too short to fit in!! Posted on Misfitland on 05-22-2021
Toni Fox May 1st · What a good idea @thehuskybalu on Instagram is the owner of the vidoe Webmaster's Note: & if the Video is NOT working here's the link to the post on FB Posted on Misfitland on 05-06-2021
Ty Fullbright May 4th · Dog got shocked, the donkey laughed Posted on Misfitland on 05-06-2021
Misfitland Monkey Rescue April 27th · The Pups Of Misfitland!! We are all rescues It's the #MisfitlandPups FAVORITE day of the month!! Watch Sara come clam more than she needs and Eli chase his across the floor!! Whitey didn't want hers and Spanky got his first one stolen by Sara!! Don't worry I took him inside to eat in privacy!! Appalachian came to make sure he got his!! Watch him devour it!! THANK YOU TO LISA AND AVA NEWBY FOR MAKING THIS HAPPEN FOR THEM!! THEY REALLY LOOK FORWARD TO IT!! Posted on Misfitland on 04-30-2021
Teresa Bullock April 4th · #Eli got a Easter Egg #EggFarts are coming Posted on Misfitland on 04-05-2021
Teresa Bullock March 23rd · 16 years old and still playing in the pool BUT not all the way in like he would have done in his younger days.. He is having a GOOD day.. Look at him go down and back up.. It takes a lot of meds each day to keep him going but God love him HE'S STILL GOING
Click Herefor Video Posted on Misfitland on 03-24-2021