Misfitland Monkey Rescue
December 1st ·
Urgent: Tonight’s raffle drawing is being postponed until 9:00pm eastern time. Teresa explains why in the video. You can still get tickets in up until then! Sorry about the change of plans, but there are really good odds to win if you want to get some tickets in for the drawing or just buy more tickets!
Look at this post on Facebook https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=653582146933628&id=100068455458629&mibextid=qC1gEa
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-03-2023
December 1st ·
Urgent: Tonight’s raffle drawing is being postponed until 9:00pm eastern time. Teresa explains why in the video. You can still get tickets in up until then! Sorry about the change of plans, but there are really good odds to win if you want to get some tickets in for the drawing or just buy more tickets!
Look at this post on Facebook https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=653582146933628&id=100068455458629&mibextid=qC1gEa
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-03-2023
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-01-2023