Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 01-05-2025
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 06-18-2023
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 06-03-2023
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 04-25-2023
Misfitland Monkey Rescue
March 5th ·
I’ve had some messages asking if you can order fresh veggies and live insects for Reese and the other Monk kids. YES! YOU CAN!!! If you order a pickup order from Walmart in Amelia, OH and let us know when to pick it up, we’ll go get it. Quail eggs, super worms and live crickets can be found on Amazon and shipped to us also. Please message us first to ensure we have enough space in the refrigerator/freezer. Thank you all for the support!
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 03-05-2023
March 5th ·
I’ve had some messages asking if you can order fresh veggies and live insects for Reese and the other Monk kids. YES! YOU CAN!!! If you order a pickup order from Walmart in Amelia, OH and let us know when to pick it up, we’ll go get it. Quail eggs, super worms and live crickets can be found on Amazon and shipped to us also. Please message us first to ensure we have enough space in the refrigerator/freezer. Thank you all for the support!
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 03-05-2023
The past 6 years has been a ROUGH TEST to say the least but through the HARDEST and MOST EMOTIONAL times I have stayed dedicated to building a FOREVER HOME for these monkeys.. Just like people do dogs and cats they do the same to monkeys!! The difference is the monkeys are even more emotionally attached than dogs and cats and much harder to handle as adults than other animals as well.. The monkeys here at Misfitland are FIXED!! We do not “rehome” them or sell them in anyway like a dog pound and even other “monkey rescues” can do.. THIS LIMITS THE INCOME DELUXE but adds tremendously to the quality of life of the animal!!! Stress is AWFUL for monkeys just like Human!! YOUR HELP IS TAX DEDUCTIBLE AND WILL CHANGE THE LIFE OF MONKEYS THAT WOULD BE TOSSED AROUND OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND AGAIN WITHOUT OUR RESCUE!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!! Misfitland Monkey Rescue is dedicated to providing forever homes to domesticated monkeys that have been born in captivity right here in the USA.. The monkeys that come here have been raised like you would raise a human child.. All the fancy new toys, given warm bottles constantly, diapers changed, warm cute clothes, and fed daily without worry of anarchy and where they fit in on the entitlement of the most desired food/fruit and WHO gets what.. Humanized since birth these monkey have been protected by their humans.. They don't know how to show submission to the alphas.. They LOVE sleeping in a bed, watching television, laying on the couch, using pillows and blankets, their hair being combed, and overall mimicking any action they have seen someone do.. Opening doors, cabinets, drawers, refrigerator or freezer, cans, wrappers, bags, containers, etc acting like the humans they have watched their whole life and knowing the GOOD STUFF is in often hidden in there they will sneak into the forbidden places every given opportunity!! Having opposable thumbs gives them the same capabilities to do the things you do just as easily.. Oh yeah they are as strong as the average woman so heavy or hard don't stop them either.. They desire a LOT of the things they see people doing/using.. Cell phones, ear buds, jewelry, computers/lap tops etc. is extremely enticing to them.. Problem is no matter how young you start trying to teach them not to break/get these things that you both love so much it NEVER SINKS IN.. Even more so as adults their idea of fun is to snatch these items and to chew, break, bang, etc. until its in pieces.. Sometimes when you try to tell them NO, DON'T, DROP IT etc they can get aggressive about their unwillingness to relinquish the item becoming a ongoing fight that can end up costing them their home when they take it to far and bite someone.. Other ways deeply loved monkz ends up here is health issues of their owners.. OR living arrangements of their owners change and they aren't allowed to come.. OR the new boyfriend/girlfriend keeps getting bit, OR they smell, OR OR OR OR OR can AND DOES cost monkeys their home EVERY DAY leaving them no where to go except zoo's, sanctuaries, labs, lab breeders, or the places that put them on LOAN to educational research which is a fancy name for lab work.. The problem is these monkeys have STRONG HUMAN BONDS and NEED human interaction and things that relate to the ONLY LIFE THEY HAVE EVER KNOWN.. Here at Misfitland they have the interaction of humans, depending on aggression/safety as to how HANDS ON but they are NEVER totally without daily human interaction and bonding they want.. They also have television, soft beds hanging for sleeping, blankets, pillows, food, water, drinks, snacks, their own personal door to the outside where they have free range hunting, sunshine, swings, ropes, pool, and trampoline.. Our goal is for them to have the MOST COMFORTABLE monkey life as possible!! JUST LIKE THEY WAS PROMISED THE DAY THEY WAS BROUGHT HOME FROM THE BREEDER!! Not CHANGE THEM FROM EVERYTHING THEY KNOW to a downgraded life of scared to sleep because of being attack, fighting to eat each meal with many other stronger monkeys who know how to fight and have already established their dominance and are willing ready and able to show the new monk whos boss.. Seriously can you imagine THAT life for them??? AFTER YEARS OF BEING CENTER OF ATTENTION going to a life of hatred, no toys, no surprises, and even WORSE NO HUMAN CONTACT EVER other than when they are shot with tranquilizer darts/guns and sedated for veterinary care.. OFTEN after being surrendered the domesticated primate develops MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER.. They stop eating making them get very week leading to sickness and death.. Being sick or showing weakness is an invitation for trouble in the animal kingdom.. Monkeys are bullies and the weak gets picked on HARD.. Sad but true.. Here at Misfitland EVERY MONKEY and any other rescued animal (other than the birds) are fixed and can not produce life beyond their own with loads of room to roam peacefully!! They are here to live their life the best way they know and we can provide for them.. We want them to enjoying new things, animals/friends, and people.. We want to offer a educational place that people can come and learn about ADULT domesticated monkeys and their habits.. Our belief is KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and everyone deserves HONEST answers.. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE shop Amazon Smile and choose Misfitland to help give the rescued animals at Misfitland a better life.. YOU CHOOSING TO HELP MISFITLAND MATTERS MORE THAN YOU'LL EVER KNOW!!! THEY NEED YOU and WE THANK YOU!! Please consider donating monthly if at all possible.. Your donation is tax deductible 81-1117262 and might be the deciding factor on saying YES to the next monkey who needs us!!
Facebook takes care of the donation processing with no fees.
Webmaster's Note: Couldn't figure out how to do this as I wanted so here's the link to the page: You will have to scroll up a little to get to the beginning.
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 01-12-2023
Facebook takes care of the donation processing with no fees.
Webmaster's Note: Couldn't figure out how to do this as I wanted so here's the link to the page: You will have to scroll up a little to get to the beginning.
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 01-12-2023
Click Here for Adopt page
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-23-2022
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-23-2022
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 12-08-2022
Misfitland Monkey Rescue updated their profile picture.
November 25th ·
THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOO VERY MUCH!! This is #GunnerBoeh helping me tend to the cows.. He LOVEZ to drive the tractor and really feels like HE has a job to do when we do it.. He is 8 years old now and absolutely spoiled rotten!! Let's face it.. We wouldn't want him any other way..
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 11-26-2022
November 25th ·
THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOO VERY MUCH!! This is #GunnerBoeh helping me tend to the cows.. He LOVEZ to drive the tractor and really feels like HE has a job to do when we do it.. He is 8 years old now and absolutely spoiled rotten!! Let's face it.. We wouldn't want him any other way..
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 11-26-2022
Webmaster's Note: I'm just not sure what to say here.
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 09-10-2022
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 09-10-2022
Misfitland Monkey Rescue is asking for donations.
May 15th ·
#AliceRae #MommysGirl #IAm!! I work SO HARD helping #MyHuman each day!! We have been painting the raw wood and tunnels in the #MonkBarn areas.. We have been working on the fence and about to get it electrified to keep us #MonkKidz safe!! We have been spending money left and right between trying to keep gather materials, paint and supplies, diesel, gas, fresh veggies, formula, fence material and labor has been UNBELIEVABLE, not to mention the loader expenses!! #BugsBullock has had a few bad days and needed more medicine.. He is improving PRAISE GOD and #AliceRae needs fixed!! We DESPERATELY need to raise funds!! We are setting the goal at $7,500. Donations has went down DELUXE yet expenses have doubled it seems.. The Human wishes we could find a small vehicle that wouldn't cost SO MUCH to drive but can't afford to give up the 4X4 because of winter and the need to haul building materials so that's not an option either but living in the country EVERYTHING is about a half hour drive or more.. PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATION TODAY AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CONSIDER SIGNING UP FOR A MONTHLY DONATION TO HELP RESCUE MONKEYS!!! The Wonderful thing about supporting the monkeys here at #Misfitland is we REALLY ARE YOUR MONKEYS!! Of course we will always reside here BUT YOU ARE ALWAYS INVITED TO VISIT US AND SEE YOUR MONEY AT WORK!! I'm also including links to the Walmart wishlist and AmazonSmile wish list in case anyone wants to help out by sending us monk kidz something to make our life's more comfortable!! #MyHuman added my formula in cereal to it because all of these other monkeys think THEY too need to take MY bottle!! It's almost like she encourages them to do it!! Especially #Bugs!! She pushes him to enjoy my drink more than anyone!! I always hear her telling him how good it is for him!! I don't mind sharing with him as long as she doesn't let me run out again!! THAT DAY REALLY UPSET ME!! I cried and carried on all through church!! She kept trying to hand me other stuff to eat but I wanted MY oatmeal!! I don't ask for much but I do want what I want when I want it!! She seems to have gotten the message and hasn't allowed it to happen again SO FAR but we are getting super duper low and I am starting to get concerned again!! Last year someone said something to her about how much more healthy quail eggs are than chicken eggs SO she went and bought quail..Now that we are having more daylight they have started to lay their eggs!! OMGOSH WE ALL LOVE THEM BIG TIME!!! Debra Ann Weiss sent them some chicken food the other day!! THEY LOVED IT SOOOOOOOOO MUCH they started laying double the eggs now!!! WOWSERS!! Now we MUST build a Avery so Grace and the quail can have a nice area to enjoy.. Grace lost her corn crib during the tornado of 2012 and has been thrown in the monkey barn every since.. She has done her time and deserves a nice place to hang out and be a bird again.. SO MUCH TO DO and that isn't even speaking about the 6th annual #MisfitlandHomecoming that's coming up the second Saturday in July as always.. I am getting tired just thinking about it!! Good thing I have #NoProblem sleeping across her neck because our days are LONG and our nights seem short!! Right now we are all waiting for a treat!! She needs to put it in a higher gear!! She is moving to slow and we have work to do!! #PEACEOUT &&&&&&& PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REMEMBER!!! IF YOU SHOP AMAZON SMILE PLEASE CHOOSE MISFITLAND!!!
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 05-16-2022
May 15th ·
#AliceRae #MommysGirl #IAm!! I work SO HARD helping #MyHuman each day!! We have been painting the raw wood and tunnels in the #MonkBarn areas.. We have been working on the fence and about to get it electrified to keep us #MonkKidz safe!! We have been spending money left and right between trying to keep gather materials, paint and supplies, diesel, gas, fresh veggies, formula, fence material and labor has been UNBELIEVABLE, not to mention the loader expenses!! #BugsBullock has had a few bad days and needed more medicine.. He is improving PRAISE GOD and #AliceRae needs fixed!! We DESPERATELY need to raise funds!! We are setting the goal at $7,500. Donations has went down DELUXE yet expenses have doubled it seems.. The Human wishes we could find a small vehicle that wouldn't cost SO MUCH to drive but can't afford to give up the 4X4 because of winter and the need to haul building materials so that's not an option either but living in the country EVERYTHING is about a half hour drive or more.. PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATION TODAY AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CONSIDER SIGNING UP FOR A MONTHLY DONATION TO HELP RESCUE MONKEYS!!! The Wonderful thing about supporting the monkeys here at #Misfitland is we REALLY ARE YOUR MONKEYS!! Of course we will always reside here BUT YOU ARE ALWAYS INVITED TO VISIT US AND SEE YOUR MONEY AT WORK!! I'm also including links to the Walmart wishlist and AmazonSmile wish list in case anyone wants to help out by sending us monk kidz something to make our life's more comfortable!! #MyHuman added my formula in cereal to it because all of these other monkeys think THEY too need to take MY bottle!! It's almost like she encourages them to do it!! Especially #Bugs!! She pushes him to enjoy my drink more than anyone!! I always hear her telling him how good it is for him!! I don't mind sharing with him as long as she doesn't let me run out again!! THAT DAY REALLY UPSET ME!! I cried and carried on all through church!! She kept trying to hand me other stuff to eat but I wanted MY oatmeal!! I don't ask for much but I do want what I want when I want it!! She seems to have gotten the message and hasn't allowed it to happen again SO FAR but we are getting super duper low and I am starting to get concerned again!! Last year someone said something to her about how much more healthy quail eggs are than chicken eggs SO she went and bought quail..Now that we are having more daylight they have started to lay their eggs!! OMGOSH WE ALL LOVE THEM BIG TIME!!! Debra Ann Weiss sent them some chicken food the other day!! THEY LOVED IT SOOOOOOOOO MUCH they started laying double the eggs now!!! WOWSERS!! Now we MUST build a Avery so Grace and the quail can have a nice area to enjoy.. Grace lost her corn crib during the tornado of 2012 and has been thrown in the monkey barn every since.. She has done her time and deserves a nice place to hang out and be a bird again.. SO MUCH TO DO and that isn't even speaking about the 6th annual #MisfitlandHomecoming that's coming up the second Saturday in July as always.. I am getting tired just thinking about it!! Good thing I have #NoProblem sleeping across her neck because our days are LONG and our nights seem short!! Right now we are all waiting for a treat!! She needs to put it in a higher gear!! She is moving to slow and we have work to do!! #PEACEOUT &&&&&&& PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REMEMBER!!! IF YOU SHOP AMAZON SMILE PLEASE CHOOSE MISFITLAND!!!
Posted on Misfitland Monkey Rescue on 05-16-2022
Help the animals at Misfitland by making a donation below! 100% of your donation goes to help provide all of the essentials such as food, medications, and building new habitats and enclosures!
The Walmart Wishlist if you like Please click here